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Settings: Pages

Multi-purpose templates for static and dynamic sheepApp content.

Tom Byrom avatar
Written by Tom Byrom
Updated over a week ago


What are pages?

Pages are multi-purpose templates which can provide different functionality depending on how you set them up and what they are used for. They are used exclusively by sheepApp for either dynamic or static content.

When to use pages?

Common use cases for document pages can be:

✔️ General static information page

⚡ Custom templates for teams/groups

⚡ Custom templates for vehicles

⚡ Custom single resource page

Advanced use cases: By setting up pages in conjunction with index pages you can have more fine grain control over the output of certain resources outside of our default sheepApp templates. You can create restrictions, control content blocks and copy outputted on the page itself.

⚙️ Creating a static content page

In this example we are going to set up a simple static content page to contain information that we only want our members to see.

1. Go to Settings > Self-service App > Pages

2. Click 'Add Page' button on the right. This will bring up the side panel.

3. Set the title of your index page.

4. Set the path (optional) from which your page can be accessed from.

Please note: The path is relative to your sheepApp URL. This means you do not need to put in the full URL of the location you want it to be found in the App

❌ -

✔️ - info/making-the-most-of-your-membership/
Note: Make sure to include the trailing / at the end

💡 - If you do not set the path then we will automatically create your path at


5. Select the template (required). We have a few options available and the one to choose can depend on what the page will contain.

In our example we are creating an simple static content page which will contain general information to our members.

For this purpose a 'Static Content' is our go to template. This gives a blank template with a basic layout perfect for copy heavy pages or static content.

Advanced templates: The other templates available are for more advance use cases and currently will require support from us to help you set them up.

6. 📷 Add a photo (optional)

Recommended size: 800x450px or another 16:9 ratio image.

This will display to the right of your published content page and may be used as the page thumbnail elsewhere in the sheepApp.

Please click on the image below and then save it, you can then add your photo/text on top as a template.

7. Add content (required). The content field supports markdown so feel free to format your content as you wish and include links, lists, headings etc as you see fit. To see what you can achieve with markdown view this guide markdown basic syntax.

8. Add fallback body content (optional/recommended) this is displayed when a user does not have permission to view the new page and should inform them why they can't access it. Do they need to log in? Do they need to be an active member? etc. You can include some helpful snippets like a log in link or a sign up link. Working example below, just replace your-flock-name with your flock's path.

Please [log in]({openLoginModal}) or [become a member](

9. Add secondary photos (optional) you can add extra photos to your static page which will show next to your main image.

10. Set your visibility settings (optional)

🟢 Public - If set to yes anyone with a URL to your static page can access it even if they are not logged into the App.

🔴 Public - If set to no anyone with a URL to your static page who is not logged in will see a preview with a message saying 'You do not have required access to view this content' or your fall back content.

🟢 Member Only - If set to yes only users who are logged in and with an active membership can view your static page.

🔴 Member Only - If set to no any logged in user even if they don't have a membership can view your static page.

11. Add any tags (optional/recommended) relevant to your page.

💡 Tags are used by other recourses in the CRM to create relationships between two things. For example when creating an information index page you can set a filter to only pull in pages with a tag of 'general'. This way you can make sure your information index only contains pages created with the tag 'general'.

12. ⚡ Resource type (Advanced/optional). Setting a resource type is an advanced setting for creating custom templates for certain recourse types. For more help with this please contact us.

The static page we have just created from within the sheepApp

🎉 That's it! In this example you have learnt how to add a static content page which can be accessed directly in the sheepApp.

📖 Further reading - Index Pages

If you want to set up an index page please see our guide for setting up index pages below.

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