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Settings: sheepApp giving options

Follow this guide to help configure your sheepApp giving options, such as standard donation amounts and customising member-facing content.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago

Your current membership settings can be found in the sheep settings section. Go to and log in to your CRM user account if not already. From the settings section, click on the self-service app tab in the navigation and click on giving app settings option.

General giving options

These options allow you to set the basic options for giving inside the self-service sheepApp, allowing you to configure default or suggested amounts for donations as well as a minimum amount to cover expenses.

Contact email address for donation enquiries

Enter an email address which should be used for any enquiries regarding donations. Leave blank to use your standard contact email address.

Minimum donation amount

Enter the minimum donation amount you wish to accept through sheepApp. This should be enough to cover any expenses incurred on your side for each donation made.

Preset donation amounts

Enter each preset or suggested donation amount for donors to quickly select instead of entering a custom amount.

App content & description

Throughout the self-service app, content such as headings and descriptions can be changed to better inform your members and suit your organisation.


Override the default label shown in the sheepApp Giving section. By default, this will be "Appeal" but this can be changed if your organisation might use another term, such as "Cause", "Event" or "Area of support".

Noun (Plural)

Override the default label shown in the sheepApp Giving section. By default, this will be "Appeals" but this can be changed if your organisation might use another term, such as "Causes", "Events" or "Areas of support".

Section Heading

Override the default heading shown in the sheepApp Giving section. By default, this will be "Browse Appeals" but this can be changed if your organisation might use another term, such as "Make a Donation", "Donate to Events", "Browse Areas of Support"

Verb / Action

Override the default prompt or action button shown in the sheepApp Giving section. By default, this will be "Make a Donation" but this can be changed if your organisation might use another term, such as "Donate now", "Make a Pledge" or "Start donation".

Word for "Featured" / "Urgent" appeals

Featured appeals will be displayed more prominently in sheepApp. By default, these will have a small banner with the word "Featured" on it, but this word can be changed if your organisation prefers a different term, such as "Urgent" or "Special".

Call-to-Action message

Appeals in sheepApp have a dedicated space for a call-to-action to encourage people to donate, placed near the donate button. This can be overridden on an individual appeal, but a standard message can be entered to be used if no custom call-to-action has been provided on the appeal.

Additional Info / Terms (Heading & Content)

Appeals in the sheepApp can have a space at the bottom to display additional information that isn't specific to a certain appeal. This can be information about yourself, how the donations are organised and spent or legal information such as terms and conditions for donations.

Thank You Section (Heading & Content)

This section will be shown to donors once they have completed their donation via sheepApp. This can be a "thank you" message, or provider any additional steps donors can/should do after making their donation.

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