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Contacts: Finding or adding a new contact

Your contact records store everything that sheepCRM has related to them, providing a single place to manage your members.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 2 years ago

Finding a contact

Contacts can be found through numerous pathways, often appearing as a summary panel when related to things such as event bookings, venue reservations, membership plans and connections. However, you can search directly for a contact by clicking in the search bar located in the middle of the top navigation panel and entering a few letters. sheepCRM will search your flock for contacts comparing the value entered with the following data points:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Membership number

Suggestions for possible matches will appear in a list beneath the search bar, click on one to bring up a small summary box of the contact, showing a a brief summary along with extra information to help confirm whether this is the right contact.

Click on the view contact button to bring out a sidepanel for the contact, containing all of the data your flock has on the contact.

Further reading: How search works.

Adding a contact

New contacts can be added by clicking on the plus icon located in the top right of the navigation bar. This will bring up a dropdown showing the different records you can choose from.

For a new individual, select person; for a business or group containing individuals, select organisation. Clicking on an option will bring up a modal allowing you to enter in core details of the new contact record.

At this stage you don't need to enter in data for every field, however we recommend adding a name and email address as a minimum, as this will make the record easier to search for and identify in the future. Once you've entered your data, click on the save button to create the new contact record. This will bring up a summary window of the newly created record.

Click on the view contact button to bring up the detailed sidepanel view for the newly created contact record. For more information on populating the contact record, please see the section below.

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