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Contacts: Privacy and GDPR consent

The privacy tab shows all known consent, legitimate interests and data contracts the contact has agreed to, including any withdrawn.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 11 months ago

How do I Navigate to a Contacts Privacy and GDPR Consent Information?

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.

The General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) tab shows all known consent, legitimate interests and data contracts the contact has agreed to, including those that have been subsequently withdrawn. The data stored in this section will be referenced when you request to send messages to or process the data of your contacts, so we strongly recommend keeping this as up to date as possible. Your members are also able to view and manage this data themselves using the data privacy section of the sheepApp.

Consent records

Consent records are agreements made by the contact that permit you using their data in specific ways. Generally used for things such as promotional messages or newsletters, contacts can create consent as well as withdraw it from their sheepApp account.

Record consent

To record a new consent record for the contact, click on the record consent button on the GDPR Consent panel. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Channel or Activity
    Select an option from the list to outline what method or process has been consented to. The options in this list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • When
    Set the date for when consent was agreed by the contact.

  • Expiry Date
    If applicable, set when the consent record will expire. This can be set in the past to create legacy consent records.

  • Consent summary
    Select an option from the list that best describes what has been consented to. The options in this list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • What have they consented to?
    Optionally, enter a detailed description of what has been consented to. This can also be used to add additional context or notes.

Edit consent record

To edit an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the consent and select the edit consent record option. This will bring up a window with the fields outlined above.

Withdraw consent record

To withdraw an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the consent and select the withdraw consent record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Once withdrawn, the record will remain on the contact, but will no longer be seen as valid.

Delete consent record

To delete an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the consent and select the delete consent record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored. For this reason, we strongly recommend withdrawing GDPR records instead.

Consent via third parties

Sheep has support for processing consent processed by third parties such as Mailchimp and Eventbrite. Contact the support for more information, this is a premium service that is not available on all plans.

Legitimate Interests

Legitimate interest records are assessed and added by your staff (and you must keep records of these assessments) for processes where you have a good (or legitimate) reason for using the contact's data in specific ways. This can vary more than consent records, but can be for automated messaging that a contact might expect to receive, such as a welcome message or introduction pack.

Record legitimate interest

To record a new legitimate interest record for the contact, click on the record legitimate interest button on the GDPR Legitimate Interests panel. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Channel or Activity
    Select an option from the list to outline what method or process has been consented to. The options in this list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • When
    Set the date for when consent was agreed by the contact.

  • Expiry Date
    If applicable, set when the consent record will expire. This can be set in the past to create legacy consent records.

  • Summary
    Optionally, enter a description of the legitimate interest. This can also be used to add additional context or notes.

  • What is the interest?
    Enter a detailed description of the legitimate interest, including why this can be considered legitimate.

  • Can the user opt out?
    Set whether the contact can choose to opt out of the legitimate interest. Your LIA should advise whether it is appropriate to offer an opt out option for this record.

Edit legitimate interest record

To edit an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the legitimate interest and select the edit legitimate interest record option. This will bring up a window with the fields outlined above.

Delete legitimate interest record

To delete an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the legitimate interest and select the delete legitimate interest record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored.

Automated legitimate interest

Automatic legitimate interest records will be created for any membership, ticket purchase, donation, form submission, or group membership.

Legitimate Interest (LI) records take time to process and will not be added immediately. It can take up to 6 hours to complete.

Automatic Privacy Records may not have been activated on your Organisation's sheepCRM. Please contact for more information.


Contracts are agreements between yourself and the contact in order to provide goods or services. An example of a contract would be purchasing a ticket in order to attend an event - this contract would allow you to send messages and items related to this ticket purchase without seeking additional consent by the contact.

Edit contract record

To edit an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the contract and select the edit contract record option.

Delete contract record

To delete an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the contract and select the delete contract record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored.

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