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Contacts: Evidence and qualifications

Evidence can be used for recording important qualifications, licenses or declarations - things that generally expire or become invalid.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a year ago

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.

The evidence tab shows all evidence records - active and expired - for the current contact. Evidence can be used for recording important qualifications, licenses or declarations - things that generally expire or become invalid after a certain time. The first panel on the tab shows a summary of all known evidence records tied to the contact. This will show current/active records by default, but can show expired records by selecting a filter option.

Adding a new evidence record

A new evidence record can be added from the evidence tab by clicking on the record evidence button located in the top right of the summary panel. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Record Name
    Enter a name for the evidence record which is generally the name of the qualification, license or declaration made.

  • Category - made like tags
    Select an option from the list of existing evidence categories. New options can be added by entering a new category and clicking on the 'create' option in the list.

  • Tags
    Used for filtering or sorting evidence, select one or more options from the list of existing evidence tags. New options can be added by entering a new tag and clicking on the 'create' option in the list.

  • Source
    State where this evidence record came from. For example, if an evidence record is automatically generated by sheepCRM from the member's actions in sheepApp, the source will be marked as 'sheepApp'.

  • Source Reference
    If applicable, enter a reference to add more context to the source. For example, if an evidence record is automatically generated by sheepCRM via a response from a reference for an application, the source reference will be marked as the reference's email address.

  • Document Date
    If applicable, enter the date of when the evidence was documented. For things like certificates, this should be the date the certificate was issued. Please note that this shouldn't necessarily be the date that your staff received it - that should be entered in the seen date field.

  • Seen Date
    If applicable, enter the date of when the evidence was given to your staff, or when the proof of the evidence was viewed and approved by your staff.

  • Expiry Date
    If applicable, enter the date of when the evidence will no longer be valid. For things like certificates, this should be the date the certificate expires. For agreements or declarations, the expiry date should be the date of when you want the contact to 'renew' the declaration.

  • Reference
    Set the individual or organisation that the evidence record is linked to. Usually this field will be populated by sheepCRM for you based on where you are adding the evidence record.

  • Context
    If the evidence record is relating another contact or an application to join a team/group, an additional context for the evidence record can be set. Usually this field will be populated by sheepCRM for you based on where you are adding the evidence record.

  • Description / Summary
    Add any additional notes or comments that may be needed to help explain the evidence or outline the limits of the declaration. If you're using evidence for application references, any questions asked will appear in this field with their answers.

  • File / Attachment
    If applicable, upload any accompanying documents for the evidence record. This is generally used to store scanned copies of qualifications and licenses, but can be used for any other related documentation.

Once filled in, please remember to click on the save button to add the new evidence record to the current contact.

Editing an existing evidence record

Existing evidence records can be edited by clicking on the card containing the evidence record to expand it, then clicking on the actions button that appear in the expanded card and selecting the edit evidence record option from the list.

This will bring up a window with the current data for the evidence record. Make your changes as needed and click on the save button to save your changes. For more information on the fields, please see the section above on adding a new evidence record.

Deleting an existing evidence record

Existing evidence records can be deleted by clicking on the card containing the evidence record to expand it, then clicking on the actions button that appear in the expanded card and selecting the delete evidence record option from the list.

You'll be asked to confirm the deletion before proceeding. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored. For this reason we recommend editing the evidence record and setting an expiry date instead, as this will make the evidence invalid while keeping a record of it.

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