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Contacts: Events bookings and tickets

The events tab shows all bookings, attendance and tickets related to the current contact.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 11 months ago

Please Note: Events cannot be booked on Organisation records, they are currently only available on Contact records.

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.

The events tab shows all bookings, attendance and tickets related to the current contact. A summary panel will appear at the top, showing highlights of event ticket purchases, followed by the last event and next event the contact will be attending.

Under this summary panel, each event that the contact has bought or ordered a ticket for will appear as a card in a list. Event category filters include Upcoming/Past/Courses/All.

Click on the ticket card to expand it, showing more information.

Viewing existing event orders

Each existing event ticket will be grouped into its own panel. Click on the panel to expand to show the following sections:


Inside each event card, the tickets bought for the event will be listed in a panel. This will show the ticket name, the number of tickets and the price.


Under the tickets panel, any payments made by the contact (or added manually in sheepCRM) will appear in their own panel. Each payment shows the amount, method of payment and date paid - you can view a receipt, edit the payment or lock the payment to prevent further changes from the relevant options on the right of the card.


If the tickets support attendees, a list of known attendees (or blank guests if not provided) will appear in a panel beneath payments. These can be changed by the contact inside their sheepApp dashboard or changed manually with the change attendee option.

Adding a new order

To manually add a new order for an event on behalf of the contact, click on the add order button located in the top right of the ticketed events panel. This will bring up a 3-stage window that allows you to select an event, add attendees and add a payment in a single process.

1: Event & Tickets

On the first stage, select the event by clicking on the event field and choosing the relevant event from the list. Once an event is selected, the tickets section will change to allow you to select a ticket from the event and the quantity desired.

To add another ticket to the order, click on the add another ticket class option beneath the last ticket. This will add another row to the ticket section - select the ticket and quantity as before.

You can also set the date of the order - by default this will be set to the current date but can be changed - by clicking on the order date field and selecting a new date from the calendar.

Once happy with the event and tickets, click the next button to move to the next stage of the process. Please note that these additional 2 stages are optional and can be skipped if not needed or unknown at the time of adding the order.

2: Set Attendees

If the event supports attendees, the second stage will allow you to add attendee information to fill the spaces calculated from the selected tickets. By default the first attendee will be the buyer/current contact, but this can be changed by clicking on the x icon next to the name of the attendee and selecting a new attendee.

To add an attendee, start by entering the full name of the attendee into the field. This will bring up a list of possible matches of other contacts inside your flock - if there is a match, click on the option in the list to add that contact as the attendee.

If there are no matches in your flock, the option to create a new attendee will be at the bottom of the list. Click on this option to enter the full name and email address of the new attendee, adding them to the order as well as saving them as an option for future order.

As this section is optional, you can click on the skip attendees option to move to the next stage.

3: Add Payment

The final stage allows you to add a payment to the order - useful if you have already accepted the booking in person or through another method outside of the sheepApp events booking process. The amount field will be set to the owed amount but can be changed by clicking on the field and entering a new number. The currency field will also be pre-filled based on the tickets. Lastly you will need to select a payment method from the list to specify what type of payment was made.

Once filled in, click on the finish button to complete the order for the contact. The new order will instantly appear in the contact's ticketed events panel - please note that this panel groups orders by event, so if the new order is for an event that the contact already has booked, it will be combined with the existing order.

As this section is optional, you can click on the skip payment option to finish adding the order without adding a payment.

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