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Contacts: Flow>Applications

The Flow tab will show all applications - regardless of whether they have been submitted or not - that the current contact has created

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 12 months ago

Please Note: sheepForms are only available to users with a Professional or sheepFlow licence - for more information please contact

How do I Navigate to a Contacts Applications?

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.

The applications tab will show all applications - regardless of whether they have been submitted or not - the current contact has created. These applications can be stand-alone or tied to other aspects of your flock, such as joining as team or group. The top summary panel will have a dropdown field showing all the applications for the contact, with the latest application selected by default. Beneath this panel, the sections that make up the selected application will appear as expandable cards in a panel.

Other applications can be viewed by changing the selected application in dropdown field. The actions button in the second panel gives you several options regarding the entire application - if you wish to make changes to a specific section, click on the card to expand it and then click on the edit expanded section option in the bottom left of the main applications tab.

The 'Regarding' link can be used as a quick way of navigating to the related item.

How do I Add a New Application?

To start a new application for the current contact, click on the add new application button located in the top right of the main applications tab. This will bring up a window asking you to choose the form the application is for. You can type in the field to bring up matching suggestions.

Select the desired form and click on the start new application button. This will close the modal and add a blank, un-submitted application in the main application tab - which will be automatically selected. See the options below for more information on managing an application.

How do I Edit Answers on an Application?

To add or edit the answers for a section on the application, click on the section card to expand it and then click on the edit expanded section option in the bottom left of the main applications tab. This will bring up a window with all of the questions and answers for that section. Edit the answers as needed and click on the save button to save your changes - repeat this for every section that needs updating.

How do I Submit a New Application?

If the application has not yet been submitted you can submit it manually, triggering any automatic actions that have been set up. To submit an application, click on the actions button and click on the submit application option.

How do I Download an Application as a PDF?

Click on the actions button and click on the download as PDF option to view (or download) the application, answers and any feedback or comments in a single PDF.

How do I Accept or Reject a Contacts Application?

If applicable for this type of application, the actions button will show accept application and reject application as options. Clicking on one of these options will immediately accept or reject the application - if this is tied to a membership plan or joining a group, the membership or joining process will be approved or cancelled along with the application.

How do I Change the Applicant or Context of the Application?

The application can be moved between contacts or different context (if tied to something) without needing to delete and re-create. To do change either, click on the actions button and click on the change contact / context option. If the application has either a contact or context, these will pre-populate the fields.

To change the applicant (or contact) click on the contact field and enter the name of the contact you wish to change to be the applicant.

To change the context (or what the application is regarding) click on the regarding field and enter the name of the item you wish the application to be tied to. This will generally be membership plans or groups.

How do I Delete or Withdraw a Contacts Application?

To delete or cancel (withdraw) an application, click on the actions button and click on the delete / withdraw application option. Select one of the two options and confirm.

  • Deleting an application will lose all the data attached and will not trigger any automatic actions.

  • Withdrawing an application will trigger an automatic action (if one has been set up).

Please note that in both cases, all data will be completely removed and can not be recovered.

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