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Reports: Finance

Learn where to access financial data inc. payments, revenue, invoices and partner pay-outs and how to utilize the multi-currency feature.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago

Please Note: On viewing a Report, please bear in mind that the information displayed is based on the data records determined by the time period you have selected.

"You'll be pleased to know that this is why we have made it super easy to navigate through different date ranges no matter where you are in the Reports section.

You will see, on all Reports, these options along the top:

Arrows skip a month or year at at time!"

How do I navigate to sheepCRM Finance Reports?

Go to and log in to your CRM User account, if not already.

Select Reports tab from the top navigation bar

Select Finance tab from options below the navigation bar

What is a Payment Summary Report? (multi currency)

A payment summary is a statement that summarizes types of payments for a customer for a given period. It allows you to give the customer a quick view of their current payment activity without having to sort through multiple payments.

What is the Multi-Currency Feature?

The multi-currency feature allows you to set the currency for each payment summary, so that all payments will be displayed in the designated currency. This is especially useful for international customers who want to be sure all of their payments are in the same currency.

To enable the multi-currency feature, first navigate to Settings and then Payment Summary area of your account and select the "Multi-Currency" option at the top of the page. Once enabled, you can choose a different currency for each payment summary.

What is a Multi Currency Payment Summary Report?

The multi-currency feature of payment summaries provides an easy way to keep track of international payments in the designated currency.

This report will show a summary of the payments made during a specific timeframe, split into the different currencies that payments are accepted in. These payments will be grouped by their type - invoice, direct debit, cash, scheduled, failed, etc.

Why does this Report list other currencies I don't use?

This report will show all currencies available in sheepCRM. If your flock only accepts one currency you can use the standard Payment Summary report below, which works in the same way.

What is a Payment Summary Report? (non multi-currency)

This report will show a summary of the payments made during a specific timeframe, only listing payments made in the default currency used by your flock. These payments will be grouped by their type - invoice, direct debit, cash, scheduled, failed, etc.

Why doesn't this Report list Payments made in other currencies?

If your flock accepts more than one currency you should use the standard Payment Summary (multi-currency) report above, which will split all transactions into different currencies.

What is a Payment List Report?

This report will list every single payment made during a specific timeframe, providing the amount, date, type of payment and the contact record for the payer.

How do I view the contact information associated with a Payment?

Click the name of the payer to bring up a side panel with the data for the contact.

How do I view a list of all Payments in a Report?

The report will limit results to the first 100 - however, all payments can be viewed by exporting the report into a .XLS file. You can reduce the timeframe so you do not need to export for most cases. Click on the Export as XLS button to download a full export.

What is a Deferred Revenue Report?

This report will show a summary of the advance membership payments expected in a specific timeframe. These payments will be grouped into currencies to help manage international memberships.

What Is Deferred Revenue?

The deferred revenue report is based on the cost amounts within each membership record, equally split over the duration of those membership records set by the start and end dates. This cost is the revenue you expect for those membership plans. Payments received for those memberships have no impact on this report.

Deferred revenue is a liability because it reflects revenue that has not been earned and represents products or services that are owed to a customer. As the product or service is delivered over time, it is recognised proportionally as revenue on the income statement.

  • This report provides data based on your set financial year start.

    This can be set and/or changed in Settings.

  • Amounts used in the report are based on the price of membership records and not payment records.

  • Earned and Deferred are based on the current data when the report was run.

  • Amounts regarding cancelled memberships are not included.

  • Only amounts regarding memberships are included.

  • The calculation is accrual-based, not cash-based.

What is an All Invoices Report?

This report shows all invoices, regardless of state or status, during a specific timeframe. The total amounts will be calculated at the bottom of the report.

How do I view the Invoice Report?

Clicking on the invoice name in the first column will bring up a window with more details. Alternatively, you can click on the Export as XLS button located at the bottom of the report to download a detailed spreadsheet of data on the invoices.

How do I filter out paid Invoices on a Report?

This report will show all invoices, regardless of whether they have been paid or not. To generate a report of only unpaid invoices, please see the report below.

What is an Unpaid Invoices Report?

This report will generate the same format as the report above, but limit the results to only unpaid invoices. This will use the current data when the report is run to work out whether an invoice has been paid or not, so any invoices with pending or unprocessed payments will still appear in this list.

How do I view a single Invoice from the Report?

Clicking on the invoice name in the first column will bring up a window with more details. *Currently V5 subject to latest migration review.

Alternatively, you can click on the Export as XLS button located at the bottom of the report to download a detailed spreadsheet of data on the invoices.

What is a Partner Pay-outs Report?

Stripe and GoCardless may bulk payouts for payments they have collected on your behalf, we produce a breakdown of those payments to assist you reconcile those payments to your revenue accounts or invoicing.

How do I view more information on a Partner Payment Report?

Click on the payment reference number to view a sub-report of the reference, showing the payment(s) and the buyer, along with the net, gross and fee amounts.

What is a Payment Plans Report?

This report shows a list of all payment plans that were running during a specific timeframe. This shows the payer contact, their membership plan, payment method, amounts and the status of their mandate, along with a summary of the number of payments made, expected and remaining. The standard report will include all plans, regardless of whether they are complete or incomplete.

How do I view completed Payment Plans?

To view only payment plans that completed during a specific timeframe, click on the Completed This Year option on the report card. once selected, this period can be changed as needed by the filter options located at the top if the report.

How do I view incomplete Payment Plans?

To view only payment plans that are incomplete during a specific timeframe, click on either the Incomplete This Year or Incomplete This Month options on the report card. once selected, this period can be changed as needed by the filter options located at the top if the report.

What is a Fundraising Gift Aid Donations Report?

This report generates a list of all Gift Aid enabled payments made during a specific timeframe. This list can be exported/downloaded in a format that can be uploaded to HMRC - to do this, click on the HMRC Gift Aid Claim Sheet button located at the bottom of the report. Alternatively, the data can be exported in a more generic format as a .XLS file.

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