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Sending SMS messages with sheepCRM

How to send messages directly to your members' phones

James Scholes avatar
Written by James Scholes
Updated over a week ago

As well as communicating by email, sheepCRM makes it possible to send individual contacts and segments direct SMS messages.


Unlike email, which is included as part of your sheepCRM flock, SMS messages are a paid extra, tracked using tokens. Each token costs £0.05. When sending an SMS message you will be informed how many tokens the message will use. If you do not have enough tokens on your account you can request more by contacting us via support and we will be happy to discuss increasing your allocation.

Tokens can be purchased in single one off bundles or a regular monthly amount.

For regular monthly amounts an additional batch are added to your plan every month, you never lose tokens you have not used by the end of every month and we can pause your regular allocation with at least seven days notice before your next payment.

Key things to know

SMS sending is only supported in v6 Alpine.

SMS is restricted to single text message character maximum of 160.

The system will block you sending SMS to any contact which does not have the necessary GDPR / DPA privacy record for the SMS channel unless to send not using GDPR. If you have permission in your privacy policy please contact support to request an update to your automatic privacy records. Please note this is a chargeable service.

To create either blank or regular use SMS templates go to communication settings and find the templates area. Ensure you select SMS as the template type.

We also recommend adding SMS to the name of the template for easy finding.

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