Please Note: On viewing a Report, please bear in mind that the information displayed is based on the data records determined by the time period you have selected.
"You'll be pleased to know that this is why we have made it super easy to navigate through different date ranges no matter where you are in the Reports section.
You will see, on all Reports, these options along the top:
Arrows skip a month or year at at time!"
How do I navigate to sheepCRM Events Reports?
Please note that you can export order lists and attendee lists directly to a spreadsheet from within a single event on those pages.
Go to and log in to your CRM User account, if not already.
Select Reports tab from the top navigation bar
Select Events tab from options below the navigation bar
What is an Attendance by Event Summary Report?
This report provides a summary, based on the time period you select, of people for each of your Events grouped together by their attendance status.
Data available includes, but is not limited to, event name, date, invited, accepted, declined, attended, no-show and a helpful link to view a full Attendee List.
Contacts linked to an Event can be exported as an XLS file First>select date range>select an Event>new page displays data>(& or Attendee List)
What is a Group Attendance by Event Summary Report?
This report provides a summary, based on the time period you select, of groups of people for each of your Events grouped together by their group and attendance status.
Data available includes event name, date, invited, accepted, declined, attended, no-show and a helpful link to view a full Attendee List.
An Attendee List for a single Event can be exported as an XLS file First>select date range>new page displays data>select Attendee List.