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Settings: Courses

Create a pathway to enrolment for your online courses via sheepApp

Tom Byrom avatar
Written by Tom Byrom
Updated over a year ago

What are Courses for sheepApp?

Courses for sheepApp is a way to promote and handle enrolment to online courses including sign-up and payment for those who use an external learning management system or offer remote courses (that are not based on a specific date/time). The courses can be offered for free or they can be paid for if you have a Stripe integration. They allow you to provide information relating to the course, a course preview in video format, and any other additional information such as how to access the course once they have enrolled.

How do I Navigate to Courses in sheepCRM Settings?

Courses is restricted to those with an Advanced or Pro licence, and it requires activation.

If you are interested in adding this to your system please contact so we can activate it in your sheepCRM.

Your existing Courses can be found in the sheep settings section. Go to and log in to your CRM user account if you have not already. From the settings section, click on the Self-Service App tab in the navigation and click on the Courses option on the left.

This will present a list of Courses showing their Title, Path and Data Type.

How do I Create a New Course?

1. Go to Settings> Self-service App > Courses

2. Click the 'Add Course Page' button on the right. This will bring up the side panel.

3. Set the Title of your Course.

4. Set the Path (optional) from which your document can be accessed from. This will be automatically generated if left blank.

Please Note: The path is relative to your sheepApp URL. You do not need to put in the full URL of the location you want it to be found in the App. See below for example.

❌ -

βœ”οΈ - course/course-name/ Note: Make sure to include the trailing / at the end

πŸ’‘ - If you do not set the path then we will automatically create your path at


You can replace courses/ in the path for any structure you like.

This can be especially useful if you have index pages set up for different types of courses and keep different course types separate from each other.

Note: please do not use more than 4 / characters in your path (including the trailing /) or your course may not be discoverable in sheepApp.

βœ”οΈ - courses/2023/Jan-item-1/

βœ”οΈ - courses/2023/Jan/item-1/

❌ - courses/online/2023/Jan/item-1/ Please also take extra care when using an automatically created path.

5. Select the Template (required) - Currently, we have just one template available so please select 'Standard Course'.

6. Course Provider - This does not display on the front end but you can add where the course is hosted, such as Thinkific, Udemy, etc.

7. Course Provider UID - Not displayed in the front end but may be needed to pass data about the user who has purchased your course to the corresponding provider for access via e.g. a Zapier integration.

8. Video Preview (Title and Link) - If you have a video preview to include you can supply the URL to it here and sheepApp will automatically render it correctly. All major video platforms are supported as are mp4s hosted on your website.

9. Photo & Secondary Photos (recommended) - Recommended size for images:

800x450px or another 16:9 ratio image. ​jpeg/png file types supported

One primary photo and up to four secondary photos.

You can use the primary image as the course thumbnail by setting the template below to course hide image. Otherwise it will use the automatic default.

If you want, you can use the template below which gives you a safe area to include any important graphics/text.
Please click on the image below and then save it, you can then add your photo/text on top as a template.

10. Add category and sub-category - If you are going to set up course category segments then you will want to add a category and optionally a sub-category so you can select them when setting up those segments. You can also just add a category and sub-category for your internal reference.

11. Content (recommended) - Shows at the top of the sheepApp page for the course.

This is the best place for a course summary. You can add your own headings in the text box as well.

12. Entry Requirements - This is a free text box in which you can add anything relating to the course. Its placement in sheepApp makes it good for entry requirements. However, you can add your heading if something else is more suitable.

13. Additional Information - This is a free text box in which you can add anything relating to the course. Its placement in sheepApp makes it good for Additional Information which doesn't need to stand out near the top of the page. You could add things like course format etc.

14. Important Information - This is a free text box in which you can add anything important and you want to stand out on the sheepApp page.

In sheepApp, this comes with a pre-defined title and will also have a coloured border so it stands out. Good for the information you need users to read and understand before enrolling.

15. Post Enrolment Information - This is a free text box that will ONLY display once a user has enrolled. This is where you should add any information that they need to know after enrolling. In sheepApp (example below) this will be shown at the top of the course once enrolled and highlighted. You can add your own headings and content.

16. Delivered by (Title, photo and background) - Add information about the person who is delivering the course or who created the course, including a photo and bio if you have one.

17. Fallback body - If a course is not visible to a user this copy will be shown instead.

18. Publish date - The course will be viewable from this date.

Enter a future date in this field to prevent a course from being seen until a certain date.

19. Archive date

**Please note:** This will not currently hide the document from the front end

20. Course Availability Date (required). The course availability date field should be used to define whether the course can be purchased yet or not. A date in the future may prevent users from enrolling

21. Set your Visibility Settings

🟒 Public - If set to yes anyone with a URL to your document can access it even if they are not logged into the App.

πŸ”΄ Public - If set to no anyone with a URL to your document who is not logged in will see a preview with a message saying 'You do not have required access to view this content'

🟒 Member Only - If set to yes only users who are logged in and with an active membership can view your document.

πŸ”΄ Member Only - If set to no any logged-in user even if they don't have a membership can view your document.

🟒 Hide from search - If set to yes, this course will not be searchable from the app

πŸ”΄ Hide from search - If set to no, this course will be searchable from the app

22. Paid Course - Set whether or not this is a paid course.
There are different options here depending on how you want to offer your courses.

They include:

  • Free

  • Paid

  • Paid but free for members only (make sure member only settings are set to no)

  • Paid with member and non member pricing (make sure member only settings are set to no)

23. Currency, Tax and Price - If a course is paid for you can select the currency, tax rate and price.

24. Tags (optional). Add any tags that are relevant to your course.

Please Note: Please create each tag separately one by one, do not use commas when creating multiple tags as this will create a single tag combined with multiple tags

πŸ’‘ Tags are used by other resources in the CRM to create relationships between two things. For example, when creating an index page you can set a condition to only pull in documents with a tag of 'online courses'. This way you can have separate index pages for separate course types if needed.

25. Activate/Deactivate your Course. By default, a new course page is set to active.

To change this and deactivate your course, this way it will not be viewed in sheepApp using the path defined on the new course page, hit the active toggle situated next to the Title field at the very start of the fields. This can be changed at any time by toggling back to active.

How do I View Courses?

In order for Courses to be accessible by Users an Index page must be created. See here for more information on how to create an Index Page.

How do I Edit a Course?

To edit your Course visit Settings> Self-Service App> Courses> select the edit (pen) icon (to the right of the Title and Path details) to view the settings in the side panel.

How do I Duplicate a Course?

To duplicate your Course visit Settings> Self-Service App> Courses> select the duplicate copy icon (to the right of the Title and Path details) to view the settings in the side panel.

How do I view a Course in sheepApp?

Courses must be set to 'Active' to be accessible through sheepApp.

To set your Course to Active visit Settings> Self-Service App> Courses> select the edit (pen) icon (to the right of the Title and Path details) to view the settings in the side panel. Next to the Title field>Toggle to Active and hit save to apply changes.

For a direct link to view your Course you need to use your sheepApp URL e.g.

plus the path that you created when setting up the Course.

See above 'How to Create a new Course' under step 4 for further information on paths.

Our example below shows what has been created with the above steps and gives you a visual on how it will look in sheepApp.

Options available here are to Buy Now/Enrol (if free), Bookmark as a favourite and view My Courses.


πŸŽ‰ That's it! In this example, you have learned how to add and set up a course which can be enrolled in through sheepApp.

πŸ“– Further reading - Index Pages

If you want to set up an index page for your courses please see our guide for setting up index pages below.

⚠️ Known Limitations in V1

  • Currently, you cannot add a file to be downloaded when a user enrols like you can with documents. Documents may be better suited for that requirement.

  • Courses must currently be set up with an Index Page and custom navigation links. Please get in touch if you need assistance.

  • No dedicated reports for courses booked - paid courses will show in payment reports and communications sent to confirm enrolment (if you have set up as an automated action) will appear in the messages sent report.

    • You can use a 'send to fixed address' action to notify yourselves of each enrolment.


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