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Deceased Contacts

How to mark a Contact as deceased and prevent any further communications being sent.

Lou Byrne avatar
Written by Lou Byrne
Updated over a week ago

How do I mark a Contact as Deceased?

Firstly, search for the Contact. Contacts can be found through numerous pathways, often appearing as a summary panel when related to things such as event bookings, venue reservations, membership plans and connections. However, you can search directly for a contact by clicking in the search bar located in the middle of the top navigation panel and entering a few letters. sheepCRM will search your flock for contacts by comparing the value entered with the following data points:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Membership number

Suggestions for possible matches will appear in a list beneath the search bar, click on one to bring up a small summary box of the contact, showing a brief summary along with extra information to help confirm whether this is the right contact.

Click on the view contact button to bring out a sidepanel for the contact, containing all of the data your flock has on the contact.

Once on the Contact record select> Profile and under the Personal Details section select> Actions> Edit Personal Details

Scroll down and set the Deceased toggle to Yes and Save.

This will automatically opt them out of all/automated email communications.

Please Note: If the Contact has been synced with Mailchimp we recommend you also follow their guidance on how to mark this record as deceased.

For added protection, you can always exclude anyone in MC segments who has a sheepCRM Deceased tag (which is added by you setting that toggle) by setting your filter to exclude any contact with S: Deceased tag.

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