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If a tutor updates their fee, what happens to the old bookings?
If a tutor updates their fee, what happens to the old bookings?
Russell Kilgour avatar
Written by Russell Kilgour
Updated over a week ago

A tutor can update their fee at any time. We understand how circumstances can change and how as a tutor you may want to open up your lessons to a different audience or you feel you are getting too many requirement messages at your original price.

All bookings made, even recurring bookings, will remain at the fee chosen when the booking was approved. Only future bookings will be affected by changing your fee.

You can edit your fee in the 'My Profile' tab.

To check the price of your recurring and future lessons use the 'Edit' button on the bookings page next to one of the lessons in the booking. You will see this page:

If for whatever reason you wanted to book a lesson or a series of lessons at a different price than your usual fee, for example when specialising in a new topic that is more advanced than your usual classes.

This can only be done from the tutor's side as a step when creating the booking request.

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