Changing a Payment Method on an Existing Booking
If your payment card has changed or expired, you can easily update your existing booking to a new payment method.
Go to your Bookings page.
Click the green "Edit" button.
Click 'Update' in the payment method section.
You can then select another payment method if you have one or click Add New.
The payment method that will be used will contain a green tick.
Click 'Update' to confirm the change.
If the payment for the booking had failed, we'll re-attempt payment when you add a new payment method.
Removing a Payment Method
Visit your profile settings.
Under 'My Profile' in the left-hand toolbar, click 'Payment Methods'
You will then be able to add or remove payment methods from here.
Take note: You will not be allowed to remove a payment method if you have an active booking using that method for payments.
Please add a new payment method and replace the old payment method on the 'edit booking' page first, then return to the payment method page to remove it.