What is the MacroPoint Integration Feature?
Descartes MacroPoint is a visibility platform that has been integrated into the Shipwell platform to extend our existing end-to-end tracking and status updates on shipments. This integration offers real-time location tracking, current location, and estimated delivery time of freight.
How does the MacroPoint Integration feature work?
Shipwell offers a seamless integration portal allowing users to connect their existing MacroPoint account to their Shipwell account, enabling communication to MacroPoint on those shipments that are leveraging the MacroPoint visibility options.
In order to use the MacroPoint Integration, you will need to connect with your Implementation Consultant or your Customer Success Manager to have this feature activated for your account. Once activated, follow the steps below to integrate your MacroPoint account into Shipwell.
Key MacroPoint Integration Features
Connect your MacroPoint and Shipwell accounts.
View MacroPoint tracking in Shipwell’s platform.
Benefits to using the MacroPoint Integration
Key Benefits to integrating your MacroPoint account into your Shipwell account include:
Real-time visibility into Macropoint shipments
Centralized visibility for all shipments within Shipwell
Reduced platform management
Setting up the MacroPoint Integration - Initial Connection
If you are interested in exploring this feature please reach out directly to your Customer Success Manager (CSM), they will assist with next steps. Additionally, accessing Macropoint functionality in Shipwell may be subject to an additional annual fee, your CSM will provide additional details.
Once your account has been set up to use this feature, follow these steps to activate your MacroPoint account in the Shipwell platform:
Navigate to the Manage tab in Shipwell, select “Integrations”
This will take you to the Integration Marketplace. Here, you will see the MacroPoint card:
Select “Connect” under the MacroPoint Integration card:
Once selected, a new screen will open, you will enter your MacroPoint credentials:
Click the “Validate” button to connect your MacroPoint account. Shipwell will validate your credentials with MacroPoint and establish a connection to your MacroPoint account. Successful connection will result in a green pop up confirming connection to your MacroPoint account:
NOTE: If connection is not established, an error will pop up. Please contact your Integration Consultant or Customer Success Manager for further assistance.
Once connection is successfully completed, the MacroPoint card in the Integration Marketplace will show a green check mark in the top right corner of the MacroPoint card:
Using the MacroPoint Integration - Viewing Tracking
Shipwell will use your MacroPoint credentials to gather updates on shipments and pass that information into our existing visibility offering.
To view tracking and visibility updates on your shipments that are using MacroPoint for additional visibility, you can navigate to the Shipment Details for any shipment and select the tracking tab to view available breadcrumbs and tracking timeline cards.
How do I connect my MacroPoint Account to my Shipwell account?
Contact your Integration Consultant or your Customer Success Manager to discuss having MacroPoint enabled on your account.
Once enabled, follow the steps listed here.
What if my connection attempt fails?
Contact your Integration Consultant or your Customer Success Manager.
Is the MacroPoint tracking real time?
Yes, Shipwell mirrors the configurations you have set in your MacroPoint account for tracking updates.
Do I need to add MacroPoint tracking to each of my shipments?
No, when you connect your MacroPoint account, Shipwell checks each shipment against your MacroPoint account for tracking updates.
Can Shipwell set up a MacroPoint account for me?
No. You will need to contact MacroPoint directly to establish an account for truckload visibility with Descartes MacroPoint and obtain credentials from them. Once those credentials are available, connect with your
Integration Consultant and/or Customer Success Manager to get your MacroPoint account connected to your Shipwell account.
Why is my shipment not showing tracking?
Your shipment start date must not be prior to the date and time of shipment creation. For example, a shipment created on April 5, 2025 at 10am CST, the pick up DATE can be April 5, 2025, but the pick up TIME must be after 10am CST.
Your shipment stops must have a Company name for each stop. Please ensure this is complete.
Your delivery stop must have an planned delivery time. While this step is required when creating a shipment, it is NOT required when creating an order. Thus, if creating a shipment from and order, please confirm that your shipment delivery has a planned delivery time.
Have you updated the shipment state from “Tendered” to a new state? If not, please do so. This action “pushes” the shipment information to MacroPoint.
Has the carrier entered their phone number or ELD into the MacroPoint platform? If not, please have them proceed with that step. MacroPoint is unable to activate tracking and send it to Shipwell without this information.
Does your carrier have a SCAC assigned? If not, please enter the carrier SCAC in the carrier section of the Shipwell platform. MacroPoint requires the carrier SCAC. You will need to recreate the shipment once that is updated.
If the shipment is in an “In Transit” state and tracking is still not visible, please proceed to the next step.
Check your MacroPoint Integration card. You should see a green check mark in the top right of the MacroPoint card. If you do not see that mark, click into the card and proceed to reconnect your account. See here for those steps.
If your card shows connected, please reach out to your Integration Consultant or your Customer Success Manager for further support.
How frequently is Macropoint tracking available?
Once the driver has entered their phone number or ELD into the MacroPoint platform, Macropoint provides updates every 15 minutes.
Does the MacroPoint integration work on orders?
Yes, Macropoint can be enabled on shipments that are created from orders.