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Responsive ETAs
Written by David Bianconi
Updated over a week ago
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Shipwell’s Responsive ETAs provide logistics and warehouse managers with visibility into which shipments are running on-time or at risk of missing their scheduled delivery time. This visibility ensures corrective actions are taken ahead of time instead of having to mitigate the negative effects after the delay occurs.

Typically, determining the arrival time of a shipment requires either a time consuming call to a carrier or using ELD location tracking, neither of which account for the traffic or weather conditions the shipment may encounter in the future. The power of Responsive ETAs is constantly monitoring the locations of active shipments and computing estimated arrival times for all upcoming stops while accounting for upcoming traffic and weather conditions, all in real-time.

Responsive ETAs helps maintain awareness of the shipment by:

  • Monitoring the locations of active shipments

  • Computing ETAs that account for the influences of traffic, weather, and road conditions

  • Determine with regards to planned delivery time whether shipments are On Time, At Risk, or Late

  • Offers an at-a-glance collation of shipment ETA statues

  • Identify shipments with stale location information

Location and Status of Responsive ETAs:

The Upcoming ETA statuses will be viewable on the Shipment’s Dashboard page as a column. They will either be the color green, yellow, or red in association with it’s status.

Shipment Statuses for Responsive ETA include:

  • On Time (Green)

  • At Risk (Yellow)

  • Late (Red)

    • Late shipments will also include an expected delay time


Any shipment for which the location information has not been refreshed in the past two hours is flagged for the user with a hazard icon.


The shipments that have been updated within the last 2 hours will show a timeframe since it had last been updated.


You will also be able to view this information for individual shipments on the shipment list and shipment detail pages.


Compass Dashboard:

Responsive ETAs are also displayed on Compass Dashboard and will will show on two types of shipments including:

  • Not Tracking: These shipments do not have active tracking information

  • Running Late: These shipments are actively tracking, but are running late

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