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Settlement: View Invoices on Settlement Dashboard
Settlement: View Invoices on Settlement Dashboard

The 'Settlement Dashboard' is a one-stop space to efficiently review and process all your invoices.

Written by Shipwell TMS Support
Updated over a week ago

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Settlement Dashboard

The Shipwell ‘Settlement Dashboard’ is a one-stop location for you to review and process all the invoices received within Shipwell. It is segmented into four tabs:

  • Delivered: Displays all shipments that have been ‘Delivered’ but have not been invoiced. Note there is a configuration here on when to start displaying the invoices and the default setting is 1 business day after a shipment is delivered but not invoiced.

  • Reviewing: Displays all invoices that have an ‘Invoice Status’ of ‘Exception’ which is the result of one or more invoice exception generated from the First Pass Match process.

  • Paying: Displays all invoices that have an ‘Invoice Status’ of ‘Passed’ or ‘Approved’.

  • All Invoices: Displays all invoices that have been received within Shipwell that have been run through First Pass Match.

The purpose of the Settlement Dashboard is to allow you to focus on working through the settlement process for your invoices in an operationally efficient manner. You can view key information for any invoice like Invoice #, how much was Invoiced and how that compares to the Shipment Total, and what documents are missing from the settlement documents.

If you need more detailed information for a shipment then you can click on the shipment ‘ID’ and it will open the ‘Shipment Details’ page for that shipment.

Once you have determined the action you want to take for an invoice then you simply choose which action to take under the ‘Actions’ dropdown.

You will receive a confirmation message of the action that was taken based on the ‘Action’ chosen. In this case the user chose to ‘Pass’ an invoice even though it had an exception and so it was placed in the ‘Paying’ Settlement Dashboard.

As a reminder, once an action is taken that changes the ‘Invoice Status' to ‘Scheduled’, ‘Paid,’ or ‘Rejected’ then the carrier will see this invoice status change within their Invoices Received card under the Shipment Details for the shipment. For all other ‘Actions’ (e.g. ‘Pass', ‘Approve’) then the ‘Invoice Status’ will remain as ‘Reviewing’ for the carrier or service provider.

View Settlement Documents

Settlement documents are the specific documents identified as related to a particular invoice. These documents are not able to be deleted and remain tied to the invoice submitted.

You can access an invoice's settlement documents by selecting the clipboard icon under the 'Communications’ column.

A modal will appear with the documents identified. The first document displayed is the ‘Invoice’ document itself.

Message Your Carrier

There is the convenient ‘Messaging’ option under ‘Communications’ section if there is a difference or clarification needed from a carrier regarding an invoice. You can access the messaging option by selecting the message icon under the ‘Communications’ column.

The Messaging modal will populate and you can enter your message. Once you press send then you will see your message you sent and when. The carrier on the shipment will be notified of this message. Once they send a message back then it will also be displayed.

Make an Internal Note

There is the ‘Internal Note’ option under ‘Communications’ section if there is the desire to capture a note internally regarding the invoice. You can access the internal note option by selecting the note icon under the ‘Communications’ column.

The Internal Note modal will populate and you can enter your note. This note is only viewable by you and your colleagues that have access to the shipment’s information. This is a good location to capture information like if you decide to approve an invoice that still has one or more exceptions present.

Search for an Invoice

Given there are hundreds of invoices that are present then it is sometimes difficult to find the invoice you need. There is an easy to use search box at the top of the Settlement Dashboard where you can enter part or whole of Shipment ID, Invoice #, Remit To, or Carrier Name. It will display all invoices that match the search criteria you entered.

Simply clear the search box to go back to normal and see all invoices present.

Sort Invoices

The Settlement Dashboard is easily sortable by pressing on one of the columns that has an upside down triangle. Currently supported sort fields include ID (i.e. Shipment ID), Status (i.e. Invoice Status), Remit To, Invoiced, and Ship Total.

If you press it once it will display the column in ascending order (i.e. 0 → 9, A → Z). The arrow will now be blue within a grey circle indicating there is a sort on this column.

If you press it again then it will display the column in descending order (i.e. Z → A, 9 → 0). If you press it a third time then it will remove the sort from the column.

Upcoming Enhancements

There are a variety of Settlement Dashboard enhancements that we have planned which include:

  • Multiple selection of invoices and batch action

  • Export settlement data to CSV

  • Email initiated communication from dashboard

Here is a 6-minute video demonstrating Shipwell’s Settlement Dashboard.

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