After a tender is sent to a carrier, users have the ability to revoke that tender from the carrier. This action pulls back the offer the user made and no longer gives the carrier the option to accept the tender.
Below are steps to revoke a tender from a carrier
Enter the shipment by searching by Shipwell Reference ID
Go to “Bids” sub tab
Scroll towards the bottom in the section named “Tenders”.
Click on “Revoke”
After the Shipwell User revokes the tender the shipment will reside in the status of “Tender Revoked”
Carrier view will look like the below when searching for the Load ID. The status will show "Closed"
Below is more information on how the revoke action works in the Shipment dashboard
Shipment Dashboard
When an auction is closed or revoked the content of the carrier column on the Shipment Dashboard will change from “Auction Running” to “-”
When an auction is won the content of the carrier column on the Shipment Dashboard will change from “Auction Running” to “<Carrier Name>”
Carrier Bids
When an auction is closed “(Auction Running)” will be removed from the header of the carrier bids page
When an auction is closed or a bid revoked the carrier Request Bid table will show “Closed”