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Bulk Action: Create Round Trip Shipments
Bulk Action: Create Round Trip Shipments
Written by Shipwell TMS Support
Updated over a week ago

Bulk Action to Create Round Trip Shipments

Users have the ability to select multiple shipments from the Shipment Dashboard, and then under the Shipment Bulk Actions option, they can create round trip Shipments. This option will add a final stop to each shipment, using the same address information as the first stop. When the final stop is added, the shipment distance will automatically be re-calculated to reflect returning to the origin location on the load.

This function will only be performed on shipments that 1) do not have a carrier already assigned on the shipment, 2) do not have any open tenders to carriers, and 3) do not have a mode of LTL, VLTL, or Parcel. If a shipment is selected with one of these conditions, the system will skip over that shipment and will not add the round trip stop.

In addition, the contract rating logic has been updated to exclude round trip stops when calculating additional stop charges for a shipment.

The user will see a message indicating the round trip process has started, and will receive a 2nd confirmation message once the process is complete.


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