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LTL Pickup & PRO Numbers
LTL Pickup & PRO Numbers
Written by Shipwell TMS Support
Updated over a week ago

Tracking LTL Shipments with Carriers

After an LTL shipment is dispatched to a carrier, the system will begin to request tracking information and document images from the carrier. In order to receive this information the Shipwell system and the Carrier’s system must be in sync and be able to both identify the shipment within their systems. Syncing the systems is done through the PRO Number assigned to the shipment.

There are several methods of assigning PRO Numbers to a shipment that will all the systems to be in sync, and for the shipment to successfully receive tracking information and documents from the carrier.

PRO Number Assignment From the Carrier at Dispatch

This is the best option for getting both the carrier and Shipwell systems in sync as it happens in both systems at the time of dispatch.

PRO Number Assigned From a Block of Numbers Stored in the Carrier Profile

This option allows the Shipwell system to assign the PRO number at the time of dispatch and relies on the carrier to update their system once the freight arrives at the terminal.

PRO Number Assigned From the Carrier After Pickup

This option is when the carrier assigns a PRO Number after the freight has been picked up and relies on the carrier system to update the Shipwell shipment with the assigned PRO number. In order for this to happen, the Pickup Number assigned during the dispatch process must exist in both the carrier system and on the Shipwell shipment.

PRO Number Assignment From the Carrier at Dispatch

Users are able to configure their Shipwell tenant to automatically receive PRO numbers from LTL carriers at the time of dispatch. In the Carrier profile screen, a new option called “Allow Pre PRO # assignment from carrier” is available. Checking this box will enable the system to request a PRO number from an LTL carrier at the time of dispatch. The PRO number will be automatically populated on the the Shipment when this feature is enabled.

Carriers will need to scan this PRO number when picking up the freight in order to properly record it in their systems for tracking purposes. There are 2 methods for printing out the bar coded PRO number on a shipment. First, if a PRO exists on the shipment the Bill of Lading will automatically print a bar coded PRO number on the document. Second, users can print shipping labels for the shipment that will print the bar coded PRO number on the palled labels.

Note: if the bar coded PRO number is not available to be scanned when the driver picks up the freight, the driver may assign their own PRO number sticker which would result in a failure in the system to properly receive tracking information for the shipment from the carrier.

The following LTL carriers have the ability in their systems to provide a PRO number when requested during the dispatch process:

AACT - AAA Cooper

ABFS - ABF Freight

AVRT - Averitt Express

CNWY - XPO Logistics

CTII - Central Transport

DYLT - Daylight Transport

EXLA - Estes Express

FWDN - Forward Air

FXFE - FedEx Freight

ODFL - Old Dominion

PITD - Pitt Ohio

PYLE - A. Duie Pyle

RDFS - Roadrunner

RLCA - R & L Carriers

SAIA - Saia Motor

UPGF - UPS Freight

PRO Number Assigned From a Block of Numbers Stored in the Carrier Profile

Shipper’s can contact their LTL carrier and receive a block of PRO numbers that they can assign to shipments within the Shipwell system. When PRO numbers are stored in the system, each time the carrier is assigned to a shipment during the dispatch process the next PRO# in the block will automatically be assigned on the shipment. The PRO Number is passed to the carrier with the original dispatch request and should allow the carrier’s system to record the PRO number.

PRO# information is stored on the carrier profile. The following fields are available to support storing and generating PRO numbers within the system:

Generate PRO Number from Shipwell (Checkbox)

Checking the Generate PRO Number from Shipwell box will allow the user to see all of the fields listed below. If the box is not selected the fields will not be visible on the screen.

PRO Number Prefix

Enter the PRO Number Prefix to be used in generating the range of PRO Numbers.

PRO Number Prefix can be alpha numeric, and is not included for computing the check digit.

PRO Number Start

Enter the PRO Number Start to be used in generating the range of PRO Numbers.

PRO Number Start is the starting number for the set of PRO Numbers.

PRO Number End

Enter the PRO Number End to be used in generating the range of PRO Numbers.

PRO Number End is the ending number for the set of PRO Numbers.

Last Used PRO Number

This is a read only field that displays the value of the last used PRO # assigned to a shipment. This value should not include the check digit.

Notification Threshold

Enter the notification threshold at which an alert is raised to the user.

The notification threshold defines the number of unassigned PRO Numbers available until the PRO Number End. This enables the shipper to contact the carrier and get a new range of PRO Numbers.

Note: If the PRO Number End is X, and the notification threshold is set to 50, the system will send an email notification to the user, when the current PRO Number (unassigned) reaches X-50.

Check Digit Determination

Defines the check digit algorithm to be used for PRO Generation.

Check Digit Algorithm

Choose the relevant algorithm for check digit determination.

Valid values are:

Mod 7

Mod 10

Mod 11


PRO Number Assigned From the Carrier After Pickup

This option is when the carrier assigns a PRO Number after the freight has been picked up and relies on the carrier system to update the Shipwell shipment with their assigned PRO Number. In order for this to happen, the Pickup Number assigned during the dispatch process must exist in both the carrier system and on the Shipwell shipment.

With this process, the driver can manually apply a PRO Number sticker to the BOL paperwork, and once they return to the terminal, the PRO Number is manually entered into the carrier’s system. In this scenario, the following processes will occur:

  1. At the point of dispatch, the carrier system generates a Pickup Number and sends this back to Shipwell in the dispatch response.

  2. Shipwell will add this Pickup Number to the shipment. Note: if the shipper entered their own Pickup Number on the shipment prior to dispatch, the Shipwell system will NOT change the Pickup Number already present on the shipment with the carrier’s Pickup Number. This will result in the 2 systems remaining out of sync relative to the Pickup Number and the shipment will not eventually receive a PRO Number from the carrier’s system. The end result of this will be no tracking on the shipment.

  3. Once the dispatch process has occurred, the Shipwell system will send periodic tracking requests to the carrier system. These tracking requests will include shipment information including:

    1. Pickup Number

    2. Bill of Lading

    3. Customer Reference

    4. PRO Number (if available on the shipment)

  4. Since the Shipwell system has not yet received a PRO Number from the carrier, most carrier systems will match this tracking request to the carrier assigned Pickup Number

  5. After the carrier has updated their system with a PRO Number (up to 24 hours after the freight is picked up) the tracking request will return the carrier’s PRO Number which will be updated on the Shipwell shipment.

  6. Once the Shipwell shipment has the same PRO Number as the carrier’s system, all subsequent tracking requests will return full tracking updates as expected. This process may vary from carrier to carrier, but generally this is how the 2 systems sync up.

  7. Once the PRO Numbers match in the 2 systems, tracking updates and document image transfers will occur automatically for the duration of the shipment.

It should be noted that the exact process for matching shipments within the carrier system can vary from carrier to carrier. However, the best chance to receive timely tracking updates and document transfers is to get the same PRO Number matching in both systems as soon as possible.

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