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Frontend Checkout

Updated over a week ago


The useCartState hook can be used to get the current state of the user's cart.

🚧 The data returned by useCartState is different than the CMS data.

import { useCartState } from 'frontend-checkout' 

const cart = useCartState()

// Cart
id: string // ID of current cart.
items: Items[] // Array of items currently in cart. Check `Items` type below.
// 🚨 `inventory` is to be deprecated 🚨
// Use
inventory: {
products: Record<productId, {
availableForSale: boolean // Indicates should you allow purchasing of a product, e.g. out of stock.
quantity: number // The available quantity of a given product, if allowed on store.
minOrder?: number // Minimum order constraint, adjustable in Shogun CMS - Product Content Group.
maxOrder?: number // Maximum order constraint.
productVariants: Record<variantId, {
availableForSale: boolean
quantity: number
minOrder?: number
maxOrder?: number
status: 'loading' | 'loaded' | 'error' // Status of loading products from CMS
subtotalPrice: number // Total price of all items in cart, before shipping, taxes, and discounts.
currencyCode: string // Cart currency code, e.g. "USD".
isCartShown: boolean // Flag for managing should cart modal or drawer be visible.
checkoutUrl: string // Url to redirect users when they press `Checkout` link/button.
totalPrice?: number //Total price of all items in cart after taxes, doesn't include discounts.
discountAmount?: number //Discounted amount
taxTotal?: number
coupons?: {
id: string
code: string
displayName: string
couponType: number
discountedAmount: number
giftCertificates?: {
balance: number
code: string
purchaseDate: string
remaining: number
used: number
consignment?: {
id: string
shippingAddress: {
id: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
email: string
company: string
address1: string
address2: string
city: string
state: string
stateCode: string
countryCode: string
postalCode: string
phone: string
customFields: {
id: string
value: string
availableShippingOptions: BigCommerceShippingOption[]
selectedShippingOption: BigCommerceShippingOption | null
couponDiscounts: {
code: string
amount: number
discounts: {
id: number
shippingCostIncTax: number
shippingCostExTax: number
handlingCostIncTax: number
handlingCostExTax: number
lineItemIds: string[]

Items type

interface BigCommerceAPILineItemOption {
name_id: number
value_id: number

interface BigCommerceAPILineItem {
id: string
product_id: number
variant_id: number
quantity: number
name: string
sku: string
list_price: number
image_url: string
url: string
coupon_amount: number
discount_amount: number
discounts: {
id: string
discounted_amount: number
extended_list_price: number
extended_sale_price: number
is_mutable: boolean
is_require_shipping: boolean
parent_id: number | null
sale_price: number
taxable: boolean
options: BigCommerceAPILineItemOption[]


The useCartActions hook can be used to get actions available for manipulating the cart.


import { useCartActions } from 'frontend-checkout'


πŸ“˜ Note that optionSelections is required if a product has options.


* Add items to cart.
* addItems: (items: Item | Item[]) => Promise<Cart>
const { addItems } = useCartActions()

* Item: {
* id: number
* quantity: number
* [key: string]?: any
* }
const item = {
// product id, in Shogun Frontend CMS that is ``
id: 124810,
quantity: 1,
// optionSelections required if a product has options
optionSelections: [{ optionId: 12, optionValue: 120 }],

// To add a single item to the cart:
await addItems(item)

// To add multiple items to the cart:
await addItems([item, anotherItem])



* Update.
* updateItems: (items: Item | Item[]) => Promise<Cart>
const { updateItems } = useCartActions()

const { items } = useCartState()

/* * Item: {
* id: string | number
* quantity: number
* [key: string]?: any
* }
const item = {
// id of the item in the cart that you want to update
id: items[0].id,
// lineItemId of the item in the cart you want to update
lineItemId: items[0].lineItemId,
// change the quantity
quantity: 2,
// optionSelections required if a product has options
optionSelections: items[0].optionSelections,

// To update a single item in the cart:
await updateItems(item)

// To update multiple items in the cart:
await updateItems([item, anotherItem])



* Remove items from cart.
* removeItems: (itemIds: string | string[]) => Promise<Cart>
const { removeItems } = useCartActions()

const { items } = useCartState()

const itemId = items[0].lineItemId // remove first item in cart

// To remove a single item from the cart:
await removeItems(itemId)

// To remove multiple items from the cart:
await removeItems([itemid, anotherItemId])




* Check if product is in the inventory.
* isProductInInventory: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => boolean
const { isProductInInventory } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
isProductInInventory({ id: 124810 })



* Check if product is available for sale from the inventory.
* isProductAvailableForSale: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => boolean
const { isProductAvailableForSale } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
isProductAvailableForSale({ id: 124810 })



* Get product quantity from the inventory.
* getProductQuantity: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => number
const { getProductQuantity } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
getProductQuantity({ id: 124810 })



* Get product minimum order from the inventory.
* getProductMinOrder: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => number | undefined
const { getProductMinOrder } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
getProductMinOrder({ id: 124810 })



* Get product maximum order from the inventory.
* getProductMaxOrder: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => number | undefined
const { getProductMaxOrder } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
getProductMaxOrder({ id: 124810 })



* Get product minimum order from the inventory.
* getProductMinOrder: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => number | undefined
const { getProductMinOrder } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
getProductMinOrder({ id: 124810 })/**
* Get product maximum order from the inventory.
* getProductMaxOrder: ({ id: ItemId, type: ProductType = 'Product' }) => number | undefined
const { getProductMaxOrder } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
getProductMaxOrder({ id: 124810 })/**
* Get product price.
* getProductPrice: ({ id: string | number }) => string | number | undefined
const { getProductPrice } = useCartActions()

// storefrontId
await getProductPrice({ id: 124810 })



* Get shipping quotes for provided address.
* getShippingQuotes: (shippingAddress: ShippingAddress) => BigCommerceShippingOption[]
* type ShippingAddress = {
* city: string
* state: string
* stateCode?: string
* countryCode: string
* postalCode: string
* firstName?: string
* lastName?: string
* email?: string
* phone?: string
* address1?: string
* }
* type BigCommerceShippingOption = {
* id: string
* type: string
* description: string
* imageUrl: string
* cost: number
* transitTime: string
* additionalDescription: string
* }

const { getShippingQuotes } = useCartActions()

const shippingOptions = await getShippingQuotes({
city: 'New York',
countryCode: 'US',
postalCode: '10001',
state: 'New York',


* Show cart.
* showCart: () => void
const { showCart } = useCartActions()

showCart() // isCartShown from useCartState will become true.


* Hide cart.
* hideCart: () => void
const { hideCart } = useCartActions()

hideCart() // isCartShown from useCartState will become false.


The useInventory hook can be used to retrieve inventory data on demand.


* Retrieve inventory data directly from the platform API
* This hook accepts an array of IDs
* The hook will retrieve the inventory data on the given product IDs
* Optionally, an interval (in milliseconds) can be passed to automatically refresh the data after the given interval
* useInventory: (props: { ids: string[] | number[], inverval?: number, productType?: 'Product' | 'ProductVariant' }) => {
* products: Record<id, { availableForSale: boolean, quantity: number, minOrder: number, maxOrder: number, price: number }>
* status: 'initial' | 'loading' | 'loaded' | 'error'
* }
import { useInventory } from 'frontend-checkout'

const id = 124810

// By passing an id and product type, useInventory will fetch the data for given ids
// Note that ids will always expect an array of IDs whether you wish to retrieve the data
// For a single product or multiple products.

// To retrieve data for a single product, pass the ID as a single element array
const { products, status } = useInventory({ ids: [id], productType: 'Product' })

// By passing an id and product type, useInventory will fetch the data for given ids
const { products, status } = useInventory({ ids: [id], productType: 'Product' })
// minOrder and maxOrder comes from Shogun Frontend CMS and
// it will only be updated after building and publishing the store
const { availableForSale, quantity, minOrder, maxOrder, price } = products[id] || {}

// To retrieve the inventory data for multiple products, pass the IDs as an array
// Note that in this case you must ensure that all IDs are of the same product type
// When passing multiple IDs, they cannot be of a mixed product type
// Retrieving the inventory data for an array of products can be useful when used in collection pages
const ids = [124810, 224812]
const { products, status } = useInventory({ ids, productType: 'Product' })

ids.forEach(productKey => {
const { availableForSale, quantity, minOrder, maxOrder, price } = products[productKey] || {}

// A custom interval (in milliseconds) can be passed
const { products, status } = useInventory({ ids: [ id ], productType: 'Product', interval: 5000 })
const { availableForSale, quantity, minOrder, maxOrder, price } = products[id] || {}
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