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Frontend Customer

Updated over a year ago


The useCustomerState hook can be used to get the current state of the customer.

import { useCustomerState } from 'frontend-customer'

const state: {
id: string | null
firstName: string | null
lastName: string | null
email: string | null
phone: string | null
company: string | null
notes: string | null
customerGroupId: number | null
addressCount: number | null
addresses: BigCommerceSdkOrderAddress[] | null
taxExemptCategory: string | null
attributeCount: number | null
| {
value: number
currencyCode: string
| null
isLoggedIn: boolean // Does the current user authorized
status: 'initial' | 'loading' | 'loaded' | 'error' // Status of loading user's data
} = useCustomerState()

interface BigCommerceSdkOrder {
id: number
dateModified: string
dateShipped: string
cartId: string
status: string
subtotalTax: string
shippingCostTax: string
shippingCostTaxClassId: number
handlingCostTax: string
handlingCostTaxClassId: number
wrappingCostTax: string
wrappingCostTaxClassId: number
paymentStatus: string
storeCreditAmount: string
giftCertificateAmount: string
currencyId: string
currencyCode: string
currencyExchangeRate: string
defaultCurrencyId: number
couponDiscount: string
shippingAddressCount: number
isEmailOptIn: boolean
orderSource: string
coupons: BigCommerceSdkOrderCoupon[]
products: BigCommerceSdkOrderProduct[]
shippingAddresses: BigCommerceSdkOrderAddress[]
statusId: number
baseHandlingCost: string
baseShippingCost: string
baseWrappingCost: string | number
billingAddress: BigCommerceSdkOrderAddress
channelId: number
customerId: number
customerMessage: string
dateCreated: string
defaultCurrencyCode: string
discountAmount: string
ebayOrderId: string
externalId: string | null
externalSource: string | null
geoIpCountry: string
geoIpCountryIso2: string
handlingCostExTax: string
handlingCostIncTax: string
ipAddress: string
isDeleted: boolean
itemsShipped: number
itemsTotal: number
orderIsDigital: boolean
paymentMethod: string
paymentProviderId: string | number
refundedAmount: string
shippingCostExTax: string
shippingCostIncTax: string
staffNotes: string
subtotalExTax: string
subtotalIncTax: string
taxProviderId: string
totalExTax: string
totalIncTax: string
wrappingCostExTax: string
wrappingCostIncTax: string
messages?: BigCommerceSdkOrderMessage[]

interface BigCommerceSdkOrderCoupon {
id: number
couponId: number
orderId: number
code: string | null
amount: string | number
type: number
discount: number

interface BigCommerceSdkOrderAddress {
firstName: string
lastName: string
company: string
street1: string
street2: string
city: string
state: string
zip: number
country: string
countryIso2: string
phone: number
email: string

interface BigCommerceSdkOrderProduct {
id: number
orderId: number
productId: number
orderAddressId: number
name: string
sku: string
type: string
basePrice: string
priceExTax: string
priceIncTax: string
priceTax: string
baseTotal: string
totalExTax: string
totalIncTax: string
totalTax: string
quantity: number
baseCostPrice: string
costPriceIncTax: string
costPriceExTax: string
costPriceTax: string
weight: number | string
isRefunded: boolean
refundedAmount: string
returnId: number
wrappingCost: string | number
wrappingCostExTax: string
wrappingCostIncTax: string
wrappingCostTax: string
wrappingMessage: string
quantityShipped: number
eventName: string | null
eventDate: string | null
fixedShippingCost: string
ebayItemId: string
ebayTransactionId: string
optionSetId: number | null
parentOrderProductId: number | null
isBundledProduct: boolean
binPickingNumber: string
appliedDiscounts: {
id: string
amount: string
name: string
code: string | null
target: string
productOptions: {
id: number
option_id: number
order_product_id: number
product_option_id: number
display_name: string
display_value: string
value: string
type: string
name: string
display_style: string
display_name_customer: string
display_name_merchant: string
display_value_customer: string
display_value_merchant: string
externalId: string | null
upc: string
variantId: number
nameCustomer: string
nameMerchant: string

interface BigCommerceSdkOrderMessage {
id: number
orderId: number
staffId: number
customerId: number
type: string
subject: string
message: string
status: string
isFlagged: boolean
dateCreated: string

interface BigCommerceSdkAddress {
id: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
company?: string
address1: string
address2?: string
city: string
state: string
postalCode: string
countryCode: string
phone?: string
addressType?: string
country?: string


Customer actions SDK based on BigCommerce Management API.


import { useCustomerActions } from 'frontend-customer'


* Register user
* Customer = {
* email: string
* password: string
* firstName: string
* lastName: string
* address1: string
* city: string
* countryCode: string
* state: string
* postalCode: string
* company?: string
* phone?: string
* address2? string
* forceResetPassword: boolean
* }
* register: (customer: Customer) => Promise<{ customer: Customer } | { errors: CustomerUserError[] }>
const { register } = useCustomerActions()

await register({
email: '',
password: 'password123',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Lennon',
address1: '3698 Single Street',
city: 'Charlestown',
countryCode: 'US',
state: 'Charlestown',
postalCode: '02129',
company: '', // optional
phone: '', // optional
address2: '', // optional
forceResetPassword: false, // optional


* Authorize customer
* login: ({ email: string; password: string }) => Promise<{ customer: Customer } | { errors: CustomerUserError[] }>
const { login } = useCustomerActions()

await login({
email: '',
password: 'password123',


/** * Logout customer * * logout: () => Promise<{ errors?: UserError[] }> */ const { logout } = useCustomerActions() await logout()


* Send email to customer with password recovery link.
* The link url will open a page `/login?action=change_password` where should be used resetPassword action
* recoverPassword: (email: string) => Promise
const { recoverPassword } = useCustomerActions()

await recoverPassword('')

* It's a good practice to show a message after
* calling `recoverPassword`. See example below
* of how to show such message using a third party library
* like `sweetalert2`
await recoverPassword('')
.finally(() => {{
icon: 'info',
text: `
If the entered email address is associated with this store, you will receive a password reset email.
If you don\'t receive this e-mail, please check your junk mail folder or contact us for further assistance.
}).then(() => push('/'))


* Reset customer's password
* Should be placed in `/account/reset` page.
* The page will be opened from the recovery link on url `/account/reset/.../...`
* Reset url: ''
* resetPassword: ({ resetUrl: string; password: string }) => Promise<{ customer?: Customer } | { errors: CustomerUserError[] }>
const { resetPassword } = useCustomerActions()

await resetPassword({
resetUrl: '',
password: 'password1234',


* Update BigCommerce customer's information.
* Customer = {
* firstName?: string
* lastName?: string
* email?: string
* phone?: string
* company?: string
* newPassword?: string
* }
* updateCustomer: (customer: Customer) => Promise<{ customer?: Customer } | { errors: CustomerUserError[] }>
const { updateCustomer } = useCustomerActions()

await updateCustomer({
firstName: 'John', // optional
lastName: 'Lennon', // optional
email: '', // optional
phone: '', // optional
company: '', // optional
newPassword: '', // optional


* Gets all addresses from an authenticated BigCommerce customer.
* getAllAddresses: () => Promise<Customer['addresses'] | null>
const { getAllAddresses } = useCustomerActions()

await getAllAddresses()


* Creates an address for a customer.
* Responds with the created customer address.
* Address = {
* firstName: string
* lastName: string
* company: string
* address1: string
* city: string
* state: string
* postalCode: string
* countryCode: string
* address2?: string
* phone?: string
* addressType?: string
* country?: string
* formFields?: BigCommerceApiAddress['form_fields']
* }
* updateAddress: ({id: number, address: Partial<Omit<BigCommerceSdkAddress, 'id'>> }) => Promise<BigCommerceSdkCreateAddressPayload>
const { createAddress } = useCustomerActions()

await createAddress({
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Lennon'
company: 'Music',
address1: '2986 Pearlman Avenue',
city: 'Framingham',
state: 'MA',
postalCode: '01701',
countryCode: 'US',
address2: '', // optional
phone: '', // optional
addressType: 'residential', // optional
country: 'United States', // optional
formFields: [], // optional


* Updates an existing customer Address.
* Responds with the updated customer address.
* updateAddress: ({id: number, address: Partial<Omit<BigCommerceSdkAddress, 'id'>> }) => Promise<BigCommerceSdkUpdateAddressPayload>
const { updateAddress } = useCustomerActions()

await updateAddress({
id: 1234,
address: {
firstName: 'John', // optional
lastName: 'Lennon' // optional
company: 'Music', // optional
address1: '2986 Pearlman Avenue', // optional
city: 'Framingham', // optional
state: 'MA', // optional
postalCode: '01701', // optional
countryCode: 'US', // optional
address2: '', // optional
phone: '', // optional
addressType: 'residential', // optional
country: 'United States', // optional
formFields: [], // optional


* Deletes an existing customer Address.
* Responds with the deleted customer address id.
* deleteAddress: (id: number) => Promise<BigCommerceSdkDeleteAddressPayload>
const { deleteAddress } = useCustomerActions()

await deleteAddress(1234)


* Gets all orders from the authenticated customer.
* Responds with a list of customer orders.
* getAllOrders: () => Promise<BigCommerceSdkGetAllOrdersPayload>
const { getAllOrders } = useCustomerActions()

await getAllOrders()


* Gets an order given an id from a BigCommerce customer.
* Respond with the requested customer order.
* getOrder: (id: string | number) => Promise<BigCommerceSdkGetOrderPayload>
const { getOrder } = useCustomerActions()

await getOrder(1234)


* Get customer's order messages given an order id.
* Respond with a list of order messages from the customer.
* getOrderMessages: (id: number) => Promise<BigCommerceSdkCreateOrderMessagePayload>
const { getOrderMessages } = useCustomerActions()

await getOrderMessages(1234)


* Creates an order message given an order id.
* Respond with a list of order messages from the customer.
* createOrderMessage: ({ oderId: number, subject: string, message: string }) => Promise<BigCommerceSdkCreateOrderMessagePayload>
const { createOrderMessage } = useCustomerActions()

await createOrderMessage({
orderId: 1,
subject: 'test',
message: 'Hello!',
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