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Staf Cancellation Procedure
Staf Cancellation Procedure

What to do if you cannot make it to your confirmed shift…

Spencer Englander avatar
Written by Spencer Englander
Updated over a week ago

We get it, things happen.  At some point you may be unable to work a confirmed job, and in the event of an emergency, may need to cancel your position on the day of the event.  

As you can imagine, not showing up to a job or cancelling same day causes a major inconvenience to the Host.

We pride ourselves on never charging any Staf user a fee or commission to find work on our platform.  In order to keep it this way, we've put some cancellations policies and procedures in place.  This helps foster a positive experience for both users!

Step 1: Immediately cancel yourself for the confirmed shift, and select your reason. 

This will send an alert to the Host that you are no longer available and give ShortStaf an opportunity to try and find your replacement so your Host is not left without Staf.

**Any confirmed shift CANCELLED less than 24 hours before event start time will result in an automatic 2-star rating and review that states “Cancelled day of event”.**

Failure to Cancel Yourself from a Confirmed Shift:

Your unreported/undocumented absence to a confirmed shift will be treated as a No Call/ No Show.

If a confirmed, checked-in Staf member does not show up to work their position:

This will automatically issue a 1-Star review and a rating that reads “No Call / No Show”.


If you believe this has happened in error, you can reach out to us at to file a dispute against the rating.

Our Dispute Resolution Team will then begin the process to determine if the automatic rating was warranted.


We are working hard to ensure that both the Staf and Hosts on our platform are protected and have a positive experience.  As always, we appreciate any feedback.

Thank you for being a part of ShortStaf and please reach out to us with any questions or concerns at


ShortStaf reserves the right to remove Staf accounts that are in violation of our Terms and Conditions and/or Code of Conduct. 

This includes, but is not limited to, No Call/No Show, excessive tardiness, repeated cancellations, or misconduct on the app or at events. 

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