If the release you are creating a Pre-Save for is distributed by CD Baby, you can use your UPC to create your campaign. If you do not see this option, you will need to connect your Show.co & CD Baby accounts. See this article for more info.
If your music isn't distributed by CD Baby - not to worry! You can still get your URI/URL easily through Spotify for Artists! Here's how:
Log in to your Spotify for Artists account and go to the upcoming releases section
If you have not claimed your Spotify for Artists account yet, click here to get started.
Find the release for which you need the URL or URI
Click the "View playlist pitch" from the three dots on the right
Take a look at your address bar you should see something like this: https://artists.spotify.com/c/artist/lotsofnumbers&letters1/submission/lotsofnumbers&letters2/view
Those sections that say lotsofnumbers&letters are your unique Spotify IDs! The string of numbers & letters after artist/ are your artist ID, and the numbers after submission/ are your release ID.
Now, you just need to know how to plug those into the right structure
For a release URI
Copy the ID after "submission/"
In our example above, that's lotsofnumbers&letters2
Paste the id at the end of spotify:album:
It should look something like this
That's it! You now have your Spotify release URI. Your release URI will change with every new release, so just repeat these steps when you're ready.
For an artist URI
Copy the ID after "artist/"
In our example above, that's lotsofnumbers&letters1
Paste the id at the end of spotify:artist:
That's it! You now have your Spotify Artist URI - your Spotify Artist URI does not change unless you change artist names, or if you need to separate your music from another artist of the same name. As long as neither of those things happen, you can continue to use the artist URI you just made.