💡Make sure that you are an Admin so that you have the right access in order to add Sid as a partner to your accounts.
Must haves 👇🏼
1️⃣ Give Sid Access to Linkedin (Paid)
1️⃣ Give Sid Access to Linkedin (Paid)
First of all - Make sure that you are an Administrator of your Linkedin Business Manager
a. Navigate to https://www.linkedin.com/marketing/businessmanager, see image below
b. Please note that you have to access Business Manager and not Campaign Manager
c. If you aren’t an administrator, please send this guide to the person that has the right level of access
Click on Partners
Enter Sid’s Business Manager ID: 7071454819445616641
Click on Add Partner
Click on You Shared
Make sure to share your Linkedin page
Click on your Linkedin Page
Click on Assign Role
Choose Page Super Admin
Click Share
Doublecheck that your page has been shared with Sid. Should be stated under You Shared - Page.
Done ✅
➡️ Alt. - Accept Sid’s Access Request on Linkedin
➡️ Alt. - Accept Sid’s Access Request on Linkedin
Alternative way of giving Sid access to your Linkedin page so that we can run ABM-campaign through your page.
2️⃣ Share Access to Meta
2️⃣ Share Access to Meta
💡Sid’s Meta Ad account ID: 1047489643022285
💡Sid’s Meta Business Manager ID: 1407451979876443
First of all - Make sure that you are an Administrator (full control) of your Meta Ad Account + Meta Page
Navigate to https://business.facebook.com/, see image below
If you aren’t an administrator, please send this guide to the person that has the right level of access
Navigate to https://business.facebook.com/
Click on Partners
Click on Give a partner access to your assets
Populate Sid’s Partner business ID: 1407451979876443
Select your page
Assign permissions = Ads+ Insights
Click Save Changes
Done ✅
a. Double check so that it states Your page under Assets You’ve shared
3️⃣ Implement Sid’s Pixel (Google Tag Manager)
3️⃣ Implement Sid’s Pixel (Google Tag Manager)
Sign in to Google Tag Manger
Choose your account
Click on Tags
Click on New Tag
Name it Sid Marketing
Choose Tag Type = Custom HTML
Copy and paste your unique Sid Pixel
Triggering = All Pages
Choose Submit
Click Publish ✅
Please note, don’t forget to Submit and Publish your tag 👇🏼
Click on Publish in order to finish the implementation👇🏼
🎬 Video instructions 👇🏼
Next steps👇🏼
4️⃣ Linkedin Company Page (Organic)
4️⃣ Linkedin Company Page (Organic)
First of all - Make sure that you are a Super Admin of your Linkedin Company Page
If you aren’t a Super Admin, please send this guide to the person that has the right level of access
Navigate to your Linkedin Company (example: linkedin.com/company/sid-strategic-marketing)
Click on Settings
Click on Manage Admins
Search for Rikard Jonsson®️ (linkedin.com/in/rikard-jonsson)
Add as Content Admin
Click on Save
5️⃣ Google Ads
5️⃣ Google Ads
If you have shared your Google ID with Sid, we have already sent you an link request.
How to accept pending link request
First of all - Make sure that you are an Administrator (full control), if not, please share this guide with the right person in your team
In your Google Ads account, click the Admin icon
Click Access and security
Select the Managers tab. Under “Link request”, you’ll find a list of manager
accounts that have requested to link to your account
In the "Actions" column, you can Accept or Decline an invitation by pressing the corresponding word.
To complete the action, follow the instructions on the page.
Quick video walkthrough 👇🏼
6️⃣ Google Analytics
6️⃣ Google Analytics
First of all - Make sure that you are an Administrator (full control), if not, please share this guide with the right person in your team
Navigate to Google Analytics
Click on Admin
Click on Account Access Management
Click on +
Add rikard@sidmarketing.com as a Administrator
Click on Add
Short video below explaining these steps above 👇🏼
7️⃣ Google Search Console
7️⃣ Google Search Console
First of all - Make sure that you are an Administrator (full control), if not, please share this guide with the right person in your team
Navigate to Google Search Console
Click on Settings
Click on Users and permissions
Click on Add user
Enter rikard@sidmarketing.com
Share Full permission
Click on Add
Short video below explaining these steps above 👇🏼
Additional Guides 👇🏼
➡️ YouTube Channel
➡️ YouTube Channel
First of all - Make sure that you are an Administrator (full control), if not, please share this guide with the right person in your team
Open the YouTube Studio app
Tap your profile picture
Tap Settings and then Permissions
Tap Invite and enter rikard@sidmarketing.com
Select minimum Editor access and assign
Tap Send Invitation
Short video below explaining these steps above 👇🏼
Troubleshoot Meta Access ❌
Troubleshoot Meta Access ❌
If You Can’t Follow the Steps in the Guide
Sid does not have access to or control over your Meta accounts, and the issue must be resolved on your end. To troubleshoot and fix access issues, see possible reasons, actions, and key differences in Meta tools below.Possible Reasons You Cannot Connect the Page:
You are not logged into Meta Business Manager.
You do not have administrator access in Meta Business Manager (admin access is required).
Another person in your company may have the necessary login credentials—check internally.
Actions to Fix the Issue
Recover access: Contact colleagues or previous admins to regain access to the existing Meta Business Manager account.
Create a new account: If access cannot be recovered, set up a new Meta Business Manager account and a new Meta Page (Facebook Page).
Note that this setup is only required for running ads on Meta—most users will be directed to your website or landing page, rather than visiting your Facebook Page directly.
Differences in Meta Tools
Meta Business Manager: An administrative tool for managing business assets such as pages, ad accounts, and pixels, and for granting access to team members and partners.
Meta Page (Facebook Page): A public page for businesses, brands, or creators used for marketing and engaging with followers.
Meta Business Suite: A more user-friendly tool for managing posts, messages, analytics, and ads on Facebook and Instagram, often useful for smaller businesses