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Dashboard page

This FAQ article is about the Dashboard page in our new web portal.

Updated over 3 months ago

The dashboard gives an insight into the most recent transaction updates.

Transaction Data

Under Transaction Data, you can see the number of recent transactions broken down into the following status:

  • Attention: Transactions that have failed, declined, expired or have been withdrawn;

  • Expires soon: Transactions due to expire within 3 days or less;

  • Pending: Active transactions that have yet to be signed;

  • Signed: Signed transactions.

You can view the transaction data for the past 7, 30 or 90 days. The label 'new', displayed within the status, shows updates from the past 3 days.

Recent Activities

Under Recent activities, you can find recent updates within the transactions created by you in the past 7 days. Navigate to Transactions for an overview of all transactions created by you.

Clicking on the arrow behind the transaction will give you more insight into the relevant transaction. If you require to see further details of the transaction, choose 'View details' or click the eye icon behind the transaction.

If the transaction has been successfully signed, you can download the .zip file containing the signed documents and the transaction receipt via the download icon behind the transaction.


Do you have the role of portal administrator within the Signhost account? Then you can view the estimated credit usage of your subscription in the dashboard tab.

The overview provides insight into the type of subscription purchased, the estimated credit usage and the renewal date. In the event of termination, you can see when the subscription expires.

Please note: The Billing button refers to the billing page which is currently not yet available. You can access this page in the old version of the portal.

In this example 1.2 out of 10 credits are used.

Thank you for trying out the new version of the Signhost web portal!

Do you have any questions regarding the new portal? Contact us through a support chat or email us at

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