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Direct Login: the broker experience

What the Broker experiences, and can expect, when they have direct login access to your loanapp (ie not launching via a CRM)

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways that Brokers can have access to your Loanapp - via a direct login, or via an integration wthin their CRM platform. This article focuses on direct login.

A broker using Loanapp directly will need to have a login to your Channel in order to access your Loanapp. To find out how to first setup your broker in your channel with login credentials, click here.

When you create the new broker user in your channel, it will automatically send an invite email to your broker, inviting them to finalise their login credentials.

While the content of the user setup email will depend on what you have configured, it will at least include instructions to click a link to finalise the login:

When the broker clicks 'here' on the invite email, they will be taken to a screen to finalise their login credentials. NOTE: the branding on these screens will be your logo/branding.

First, the broker will need to set a password. (The username will be the email address of the broker you have setup in their profile):

Once they have entered and confirmed a password, they will be directed back to the login screen to login with their email and newly set password:

If for added security, you have enabled two-factor authentication (2FA), the broker will have to use an Authenticator App to generate a key/code. For more information on 2FA, click here.

When the broker logs in, they will land on the Application dashboard, and be able to launch Loanapp by going to Solutions/Loanapp:

What functionality does the broker have from here?

Application Dashboard

The Broker will login to the Application Dashboard, which will list all the applications that the broker has visibility of/access to. This will depend on how you set up visibility, but generally, this will be either:

  • only the broker's own applications

  • the applications of the broker, and their colleagues in the same brokerage

On the Application Dashboard, the broker is able to see a headline of each application, with the current status of the application on the far right:

The broker is able to filter and search the dashboard by a number of items including Status and App ID.

Create new Loanapp application

The broker is able to create a new Loanapp application by going to Solutions/Loanapp:

This will open up a fresh Loanapp application:

(Note once the broker has entered the primary setup details, the new app record will be added to the Application Dashboard).

Open an existing application

If an application has already been created, and therefore is a record line on the Application Dashboard, the broker can launch that particular application by clicking the Loanapp icon on the Application grid record:

Navigate to other functionality for that application record.

There are a number of other quick links to navigate to other functionality for that application:

Go to OMNI - this takes the broker to any OMNI (Assessment tasks) that have been allocated to the broker. The most usual task will be a request for further information; or for another supporting document:

The pencil on the record line takes you to the Loan Application summary screen - which lists the highlevel details of the application, along with participants and applicants:

The three dots on a record line can take you to a number of other parts of the Simpology Manager system - it will depend on your login credentials and what you have access to.

When the broker clicks on the three dots at the end of the record, the general sections a broker can go to are:

Info Request - which is a secure, digital mechanism to request documents or information from customers

Supporting docs - an interface to manage supporting docs on an application

Omni - as described above - this is where the lender will post MIRs/tasks

Loanapp - as described above - where you create and work on loan applications

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