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Assetline: Horizon SMSF

How to correctly set up a Loanapp application for a Horizon SMSF product

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 7 months ago

The Horizon SMSF is for applicants that are buying an investment property through their SMSF.

This article outlines to correct way to enter the data in Loanapp correctly for an SMSF.

Choose the Horizon Long Term Journey

When you launch Loanapp and create a new application, you will be able to choose between the Horizon and Short Term journeys. For SMSF, select Horizon:

Toggle SMSF to YES in the Setup screen

When the new application record is created, you will be able to 'setup' the application. You will be able to give the record a title and add the high level details of loan amount and settlement date.

Importantly, you should toggle the SMSF question to YES.

(Note you can also say Yes to AltDoc)

Add all of your Applicants

This is the most important bit to get correct, as there are always a number of parties to an SMSF application, and they must be of the correct borrower type.

In general, an SMSF has:

  1. 2x Trust Applicants

    1. An SMSF Trust, a co-Borrower; and

    2. A Bare/Security Trust, a guarantor

  2. 2x Company Entities

    1. A company for the Trustee of the SMSF, the Primary Borrower; and

    2. A company for the Bare/Security Trust, a guarantor, and the entity that will hold the security property for the SMSF

  3. Person Guarantor/s

Add the Primary Borrower: the Pty Ltd Company that is Trustee for the SMSF

Click Add Applicant, and select Company:

Add the name of your Pty Ltd Company that will be Trustee for your SMSF, and ensure it is the Primary Borrower:

Add the Co-Borrower: the SMSF Trust

Click Add Applicant, and select Trust:

Add the name of your SMSF entity, and ensure it is the Co-Borrower:

Add the Guarantor: the Bare Trust Company

Click Add Applicant, and select Company:

Add the name of your Bare Trust Company and ensure it is a Guarantor:

Add the Guarantor: the Bare Trust

Click Add Applicant, and select Trust:

Add the name of your Bare Trust, and ensure it is a Guarantor:

Add the Guarantor/s: Person Applicants

Finally, you will want to add your Mr and Mrs Person Applicant Guarantor/s. Click Add and select Person Applicant:

And add the details of your Person Applicant Guarantor:

(repeat for how-ever many Person Applicant Guarantors you have)

You will now have the structure of your application ready to be worked through with more detail:

Complete all the Personal Details for your Person Applicant Guarantors

You can click through to the Person Applicant screen/s to complete the details of your Person Applicant Guarantors, which is the regular information you provide for mortgage applications: Name, DOB, Contact Details, Employment etc.

You will note a question about the nature of the Lending Guarantee - you should select Security Only, as the SMSF application will not rely on the Income of the Applicant Guarantors

Your Applicant Guarantors will need to have their Identity Verified. Loanapp will trigger a Digital Consent and then a Digital ID Verification to each of your Person Applicants.

Complete the details of all your Company and Trust Applicants

Go to the Company that is the Primary Borrower (the trustee of the SMSF), and complete the detail. You should add the Directors and Shareholder details (these should be the Members of your SMSF, your Person Applicant Guarantors):

You will note that if you use the ABN lookup (by entering in the Company ABN), the ABN Lookup will return the detail that this Company is noted as an ATO Regulated SMSF:

Next go to the SMSF Trust for this Company and complete the detail, including the Trustee (the Primary Borrower Company) and Beneficiaries (should be your Person Applicant Guarantors):

Next go to the second Company (a Guarantor) that is Trustee for the Bare (Security) Trust and complete the detail. This is the Company that will hold (own) the Security Property, and is guaranteeing the loan with the security.

And finally, go to the Guarantor Bare (Security) Trust that has the Guarantor Company as Trustee and complete the detail:

When you have completed this detail, you will have ticks against all of your Applicants:

Complete the Financial Position of the Applicants

Loanapp will present to you a Financial Position page for each of your Applicants.

Entering the Financial Position details of your Person Applicant/s is pretty straight forward - enter their Assets/Liabilities, Income and Living Expenses.

A key item that you will want to ensure you enter is to enter the superannuation contributions that are being made to the SMSF. This detail is added into the Income section under Other Income:

In this section you can add any Super Contributions made:

You will note when you add any Assets or Liabilities, you can nominate ownership across the Applicants (eg nominate the SMSF owns a Property). You will also note that the detail across your Applicants becomes 'shared' - if you enter an asset against 1 party, it will then appear on the other Financial Position pages.

Complete all the detail for your Person Applicant Guarantors, and then go to each of the Financial Position pages for your Company and Trust Applicants.

For your Trust Applicants, you will be able to add any Assets (and Liabilities) the Trust currently holds. While you can add NPBT details for the Trust entities, you will find that all that is required is the name of the Trust Accountant:

For your Company Applicants, you will be prompted to add both the Accountant details (can be the same) and also the NPBT for the Company Applicants (Can be $0)

Add your Security Property, and ensure your (Guarantor) Company to the Bare Trust is the 'owner' of the property

In the Securities section, you can add the detail of your Security Property. You need to ensure the ownership is set to be 100% owned by the guarantor company. You can also registered expected rental income:

Complete the Loan Details section,

ensuring the Primary Borrower (Pty Ltd Company) is registered Borrower:

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