Loanapp is the digital application for submitting mortgage applications to ubank, with the configuration and functionality outlined in this article.
Please read through to understand the general experience for both you and your applicants.
The ubank Loanapp is configured to capture all the data required to process and approve a loan application. It also allows you to:
get a digital VOI to verify your applicant's identity
generate a digital Acknowledgement and Consent Form to be signed via Docusign by your applicants
get digital transaction data to verify your applicant's liabilities and living expenses
select your ubank Product
upload your supporting documents against the required checklist
How do I have access to Loanapp?
You will be able to launch Loanapp from your Aggregator CRM when you want to submit an application to ubank, and all your CRM data will populate across into the Loanapp record.
The Loanapp record will be forever tied to your CRM Opportunity - you can close down and re-open whenever you need to from the same CRM record.
The Loanapp interface
**Keep in mind that if you launch from your Aggregator CRM, much of the data outlined in the following section will already be completed**
The first page in Loanapp is the Setup Page - this is where you enter all the high-level details about the application, and also add in your Applicants. On the left side is a menu which allows you to click through to other sections in the application:
To add applicants you click the Add button. You will note a disabled tick box against your name and your applicant's in the Manage Participants section.
This is for some great functionality called Info Requests that allows you to send your applicants digital requests for information. For more detail on this functionality, click here
You can also use the 'trash can' to remove any applicants from the record.
Once you've established your applicants, you can work through each of the sections of the application by clicking either on the side menu, or the navigation buttons at the top and bottom of each page.
For a full (general) run through of completing data capture and the sections of Loanapp, please click here.
Digital Services
The ubank Loanapp has some digital services built into it, which help you validate your applicant's details; and also speed up assessment and approval when submitted.
These digital services must be completed to successfully submit to ubank. This article gives you a quick overview - click through to more specific articles about the process and experience for you and your applicant/s for each service.
The digital services used are:
ID Verification
Acknowledgement and Consent
Smart Statements
ID Verification
π¨ ID Verification is a check of your applicant's declared Identification details against a range of government databases. It must be done before the other services and a failure on this service will mean that you cannot proceed with the application. If you get a failure and you think that this is incorrect (and still want to submit), please reach out to your BDM
The ID Verification Check is at the bottom of the Applicants page:
For a full run through of the ID Verification process, please click here.
Triggering the other Digital Services
Once you have got a "Completed" ID Verification for your applicant/s, you are able to then trigger all the rest of the Digital Services used in the ubank Loanapp.
π€© ubank have configured the Digital Services to trigger one consolidated email request to your applicant/s (instead of individual requests for each Service, like in Loanapp V1). This means your applicant/s only need to deal with one invite to complete all the services, making it easier for them.
In order for the one consolidated email invite to be sent, Loanapp needs to still trigger all the services. To do this, you need to open each of the digital widgets, and click Request.
On Applicants Page: Open VOI and click Request
On Applicants Page: Open Acknowledgement & Consent Form and click Request
On Financial Position Page: Open Smart Statements, and click Request:
Note that Loanapp has Broker Flow for Smart Statements (more on that here). For now, assume you have not yet got bank statements and need to request:
Once the 3 request buttons have been clicked in each of the widgets, Loanapp will compile the one consolidated email to go to your applicant. You will see a message popup confirming that the email has been sent to your applicant/s:
Continue working on your application
While your applicant/s receive and complete the invited services, you can continue to review the data that has been populated into Loanapp, and update any of the details that you want to.
Your applicant/s, in the meantime, will receive the email invite to complete the Acknowledgement and services. For an understanding of what they will experience/need to do, please click here.
Checking the results of the Digital Services when completed.
When your applicant/s finalise any of the digital services, two things will happen:
you will receive an email notification to let you know that your applicant has completed the service eg:
the status in the Digital Widget will update to give you an understanding of what is happening. In the following screenshot, you can see your applicant has completed the VOI service (status is completed), but has not yet signed the Acknowledgement and Consent Form (status remains requested):
When a service is completed, you are able to open the widget to see more detail, and generally be able to download the completed output of the service:
Digital Categorised Living Expenses
The Smart Statements digital service not only returns the bank statements of your applicant/s accounts - but also categorises their living expenses and populates in the Living Expense section. This means you will now have your "Declared" expenses for each category; and also the "Digital" living expenses:
You will be able to see any material differences in what you are declaring; and what has been categorised from the digitally extracted data. Please click here to understand more about Digital vs Declared Living Expenses and how this is used by ubank.
Completing the Securities section
The securities section is found on the Loan & Serviceability page, and captures the details of the property that is to secure this new mortgage. If you are refinancing, this property will be auto-populated from the Financial Position page. If you are purchasing, you will need to ADD a new property:
Selecting your Product
Loanapp is powered by a Products Engine that can be updated at any time by ubank. This means that the Products, Rates, Fees and product features will always be correct in Loanapp.
You will select your Product (or Products) in the Loan section:
Note that Loanapp has a great functionality that filters the products so that they match the data that you have entered into the application. eg if you select Interest Type: Variable and Payment Type: P&I - you will only get product variations with these features.
If you don't see the product you are will most likely be because your data needs to be reviewed.
For more information on Product Filtering, please click here.
π ubank also allows you to request Split Loans on the same application. To do this tick the "split loan" box, which will allow you to add product splits.
You can check your application serviceability on the Serviceability Page:
Serviceability will re-calculate if you update your application data. Simply click back to the Serviceability check to re-calculate.
The Compliance Section
The Compliance section is a set of 'interview' questions that capture more information about your Applicant/s understanding of their application, preferences, retirement plans and other important compliance details.
Note that most of this section is mandatory and must be completed in order to submit.
The Summary Page
The Summary Page captures all of your application data on one page for quick review. If you notice anything that needs to be updated, an edit button on each section clicks you back through to the relevant area so that you can update the details:
Generate Supporting Documents Checklist
The final section is the Submission section. You will note at the bottom of the page 2 action buttons: Supporting Documents and the Submit Button.
ubank requires you to first generate and finalise your supporting documents checklist before Submitting your app:
Generate Document Checklist
When you have a completed and valid application, click the first button: "Generate Document Checklist".
This button will generate your supporting documents checklist on a new tab. The supporting documents checklist will be on the left, and you will upload your documents on the right, to then drag across to the checklist items on the left:
For a full run through of the supporting documents functionality, please click here.
Proceed (Submit Application)
When you are ready (completed the application and attached all your supporting docs) - you can submit the application to ubank.
When you press the submit button, Loanapp will package up your application and submit it into ubank's assessment queue. You will see the final page in Loanapp that confirms successful submission:
After you have submitted
Once you have submitted, if you open your Loanapp again you will note that you can view all of the sections but they are now locked and cannot be edited.
Simpology Manager
As a broker partner of ubank, you are able to log in to their "Simpology Manager" at any time to check on the status of your deal. (You will get an invite, your login will be your email, and you will need to set a password).
When you log in, you will land on the Application Grid which is your doorway back into the application; and also receives the Backchannel statuses from ubank.
For your submitted application, you can see the status and have controls to re-open Loanapp and check on assessment status:
You can also click through to the Supporting documents and Information Request sections, which can be useful if you want to work in these sections without opening Loanapp.
Need help? Click Live Chat
If you need help while you are working on your Loanapp, remember you are able to contact our Live Chat to get help at any time by clicking the button the bottom right corner: