You can create tags to help you organize your payments, notes to remember important information about payments, and attachments for record keeping of payments all within Sion.
First, find the payment you want to work with.
Next, click on the individual payment if it is not already opened from your search..
This will open up a new window on the right with the payment information.
Click the Notes tab in the new window.
From here you can do the following:
Manage Tags
Look for the Notes and tags section of the Notes tab. Click the pencil icon in the top right.
Already existing tags will show as a green block under the Payment Tags section. To add a new one, simply click in the field and start typing. Sion will recommend existing tags as you type.
To use an existing tag, click one of the suggested tags in the dropdown. To create a new tag, simply hit the Tab or Enter key when you’re done typing.
You can add multiple tags to a payment. To remove a tag, hit the X to the right of the tag name.
When you’re done, click Save to keep your changes.
Manage Notes
Sometimes there’s additional information you want to keep track of for a payment. Sion lets you keep track of this information with notes.
To manage notes, look for the Notes and tags section of the Notes tab. Click the pencil icon in the top right.
Write your note in the Internal Note field. If you want to use markdown to format your text, click the Markdown note at the bottom for a guide on how.
When you’re done, click Save in the top corner of the section.
You can edit a note at any time by clicking the pencil icon again.
Manage Attachments
To manage attachments, look for the Attachment section of the Notes tab.
You can either drag and drop a file into the section or click the section in order to upload files from your device.
You’ll see attachments listed at the bottom of the window.
You can change a file name by clicking the pencil icon.
A new window will open. Write the new file name in the Label/Description field and click Save Changes.
Your file will now show with the new name.
To download the attachment, click the paper icon.
To delete the attachment, click the trashcan icon.
If you only want to view the attachment, simply click the attachment name.