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Our new dashboard functionality allows you to monitor your transports with defined filters

Daniel Cabezas avatar
Written by Daniel Cabezas
Updated over a week ago

With the new dashboards you can organize and proactively monitor your transports, take more data driven decisions and collaborate better with your colleagues. You can create dashboards tailored to your or your department’s needs. Within the dashboards, our new widget functionality allows you to create a set of filters relevant to you. And the best thing is, the overview can be shared with selected stakeholders or across your organization.

By now you will ask yourself, how this can be done. Stay calm, you’ll find all of the information you need to get started here.

What are dashboards?

The dashboard section in our ControlTower allows you to identify volumes of shipments that fulfill specific defined criteria. Dashboards can be private, shared with named stakeholders or across an entire company.

How can you create a dashboard?

To create a new dashboard please use the button "new dashboard" at the bottom of your page or select it from the drop down menu.

It is mandatory to add a name to the dashboard. The name is indexed and it is possible to find it via the search bar later on. Optionally, a description of the dashboard can be added which will be visible at the top of the dashboard.

Add Widgets to your dashboard

The dashboard consists of user defined widgets. A widget is a certain set of criteria, defined by you or your colleagues. With it, the number of shipments that fulfill the criteria can be accessed directly.

Widgets can be added via the “new widget” button. After that the criteria can be set.

Widgets can be re-arranged within the dashboard view. You can drag them via the handle bar on top of the widget.

Important: only the dashboard owner can re-arrange the widgets.

How to create a Ratio Widget

The ControlTower Dashboard also enables you to display values in percentages (e.g., what percentage of transports was delayed). This feature is called the Ratio Widget and it can be applied to determine the ratio between two defined sets of parameters. The ratio widgets are updated in real-time and help to provide situational awareness of operational KPIs.

How to create a ratio widget:

1. When you click “Create new widget”, you’ll see two options:

  1. Count Widget

  2. Ratio Widget

2. After selecting the ratio widget, our system will guide you through the creation process. You will have to choose a name for the widget and provide conditions that should be applied to the ratio widget.

The conditions are defined by you and range from specific places and carriers to transport features (e.g., delayed). The widget will divide the sample condition by the base condition. This way a comparison displayed in percentages is achieved. You will be able to see a preview of the selected conditions and a preliminary result.

3. When you selected all the relevant parameters and clicked “Save” the ratio widget is added to the dashboard.

If you want to explore the transports behind the calculation, click on the values displayed at the bottom of the widget (e.g., “12 transports out of 36”). This will take you directly to the list of these transports.

How to specify a customer in a widget

If you wish to specify a customer in the widget creator, please be aware that the customer must be created as a “place” first. Please go to the Places section of the ControlTower user interface, and create the relevant places for your business. (If you are unable to create new places, please reach out to an admin user). The widget creator will automatically extract the places, and make them available for selection.

Delay Time filtering

Delay time filtering can be specified as "more than", "less than" and "between". The required delay duration is specified in minutes, hours and days. Hours and days can be expressed in full hours/full days.

Filtering based on stop duration

Within our dashboards and filter functionality, you have the possibility now to filter for time at stop. What does this mean? If you open the filters and select a working stop (at pickup or at delivery) the “time at stop” filter will appear. With it you can filter for vehicles that are at a stop for an amount of time defined by you.

With it, you now have the possibility to have even better exception management with filtering for vehicles waiting at a stop.

Sharing dashboards

At the point of creation your dashboard (including widgets) is private to you. You can decide to share the created dashboard by clicking the ... in the top right corner and select the “share” option. In the drop down menu, you have 3 options:

  1. Only you (access is limited to the creator of the dashboard)

  2. Select people (access is limited to the creator of the dashboard and the selected users)

  3. Entire company (access is granted to all users on the same portal)

Note: The creator of the dashboard is the "owner" of the dashboard and the contents of it. Only this person is able to modify widgets etc.

Duplicate Dashboards

It's possible to duplicate a dashboard. When a dashboard is duplicated, all widgets will be copied to a new dashboard copy. The new copy can be re-named, and the widgets can be updated according to the users needs/requirements.

What happened to your existing filters?

The filters have been moved to the transport view. You have new options for editing and working with your filters there.

In the Transport list view, you can access the list of saved filters. In the saved filters list, you have the ... option. Under this option you can see all customer portal related features. Please note that a filter needs to be promoted to a "company filter" before it can be enhanced to a customer portal. Find more information on our customer portals here.

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