Searching with Address or Coordinates
You can use coordinates (decimals) or type an address in the search bar of either the Search tool in Content Store, when defining the location.
Drawing or Using Extent for AOIs
You can draw your AOI using the Draw tool.
Additionally, you're able to take the extent of the zoom area as an AOI as well.
Resulting in the following Extent to be used as an AOI.
Adding a Layer from your ArcGIS Enviornment
Click on the 'Add Layer' button.
From here, you're able to add layers within your account, Organization, Living Atlas or ArcGIS Online.
Uploading an AOI
From within Adding a Layer, you can also upload files from your local machine to load.
Supported File Upload Types & Limitations
Holes inside of a polygon are not supported, also known as donut holes
No multi-feature polygons.
File size should not exceed 13kb
Areas must have a minimum of 4 points (polygon) and a maximum of 500 vertices.