Once an organization has gotten the Content Store for ArcGIS application, the administrator of that organization may select who within that organization is permitted access to use the application. Content Store allows ordering of high resolution remote sensing data, which costing Content Store credits for each product purchased.
First, a new group should be made in the organization. Navigate to "Groups" within ArcGIS Online and click 'Create Group'. In this example, it is called 'Content Store for ArcGIS Users'.
We recommend the following group permissions to ensure only users added may use the application.
Once completed, click save & create the group.
Next, add users to the group by selecting 'Invite Members'. Once all members are selected, click 'Add members to group'.
Next, the Content Store for ArcGIS application must be added into the group's content. Click 'Add items to group'. Content Store for ArcGIS will be one of the options.
Content Store for ArcGIS will now be available to those users within the group to access.