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Result Metadata
Updated over 10 months ago

The metadata.json file is where you will find a full listing of product metadata as well as detailed information regarding resolution of bands, geocoding, reflectance, projection, and other details you may need for additional processing of your results.

You can find order MetaData by going to My Orders and selecting the metadata option in your orders download options.


The main metadata attributes exposed in this JSON are:

Original Band Information


Wavelength information is provided for each band, under the "Bands" > "BAND_WAVELEN" tag.

Band Name

The common name of each band is also given in the band information, and is worded in plain English, like "red", "green", "coastal-aerosol", etc.

Skywatch Band Information


Wavelength information is provided for each band, under the "Metadata" > "SkyWatch_Metadata" > "Bands" > band (list index) > "BAND_WAVELEN" tag.

Band Name

The common name of each band is also given in the band information, and is worded in plain English, like "red", "green", "coastal-aerosol", etc.

Processing History

Under the "Metadata" > "SkyWatch_Metadata" > processing_history" tag there is a list of what operations have and have not been performed on the data. For most data this will consist of image sharpening, atmospheric correction, band coregistration, and pansharpening, but can include a number of other operations.

Cloud Cover Information

There is cloud cover percentage and pixel numbers located in "Metadata" > "SkyWatch_Metadata" under "cloud_cover_percent" and "cloud_cover_pixels_count", respectively.

Filled Pixels Information

There is valid pixel area and valid pixel numbers located in "Metadata" > "SkyWatch_Metadata" under "valid_pixels_area_sq_km" and "valid_pixels_count", respectively.

Mosaic Sources

In the case of Mosaicked Orders, an additional tag will be visible under "Metadata" > "SkyWatch_Metadata". This tag contains a list of the source products used to form the mosaicked product. These will match up with the integers in the second band of the mask raster, the link for which is under "cloud_mask_raster" in the Results object.

Product Metadata

Other specific metadata from the raw product is included under the "Metadata" > "Abstracted_Metadata" and "Original_Product_Metadata". The first tag provides common metadata that exists regardless of satellite, such as band histograms, thumbnail URIs, and acquisition mode. The original product metadata includes information that is not provided in other sections and is specific to the satellite platform that captured the image.

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