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How to Print a Schedule
How to Print a Schedule
Updated over a week ago

There are several different options when printing your schedule. Each option offers a different format. To access these printouts, click on the arrow beside the schedule name and select one of the following options:

Option 1: Print Schedule

This printout includes a Color Scheme for each student, students' first name and last initial, and prints in a larger view that may print on several pages:

Option 2: Print (compressed)

This printout does not include a detailed header and prints in a condensed view that will print on one page:

Option 3: Download .csv

This printout downloads in a spreadsheet format without a Color Scheme and must be opened using Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets:

Bonus Option:

You can also access a PDF printout of your schedule that is similar to the scheduler view by printing from the Actions drop down from within the scheduler. To do this, click on the name of your schedule, select Actions, then Print Schedule.

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