Have a client needing assistance with a previous year’s tax return? Don’t worry! Here's a step by step guide to assist you.
Currently, you are allowed to file previous year returns up to 2021.
With purchase of SmartWiz, you will automatically have access to the software credentials to file previous year returns.
Login With Current Year Credentials.
Input Your E-FIN
Username (First name,Last name first initial)
Example: Mary Homes MaryH
Input your password.
2. Next you will change the year 23 to 22 or 21.
Example: https://twonline-23.taxwise.com/
3. Access your filing software dashboard.
1. Click your name and a drop box will open displaying the following: | |
2. Select the Tax Return tab to view all of the returns you have completed: |
3. By Selecting New Return, you can begin a return once the popup window opens: