The Administrator (Admin) or a user with the Administrator role assigns user roles to each preparer based on which job functions they will perform and which parts of the program they need to access. Some forethought may be required to determine who will do what tasks and what resources they will need access to in order to accomplish them. There are twelve possible roles available for each user and they can be assigned individually or in any combination desired by the Administrator.
The Admin user must assign the LicensedUser role to all users in order for them to have access to TaxWise Online. The LicensedUser role can only be assigned to as many users as you have purchased (e.g., if you purchased 10 users, only 10 users can have that role and therefore have access to TWO).
To view a list detailing what items are available for each user role, click on the user role to expand the list.
The following user roles must be assigned in addition to one of the following user roles: SuperUser, ReturnPreparer, Interviewer, or Reviewer.