Reject code AL40NR-RS-200 occurs when Schedule RS, Part 2, Column F (StateCode) is set to "AL" (Alabama) but either Column G (StateID) or Column H (AlabamaWithheld) is missing. This error prevents the tax return from being processed.
Review Schedule RS, Part 2:
Open the return and navigate to Schedule RS, specifically Part 2.
Check Column F (StateCode):
If the StateCode in Column F is “AL” (Alabama):
Ensure Column G (StateID) has a valid Alabama State ID.
Ensure Column H (AlabamaWithheld) has the correct amount of Alabama state tax withheld.
If the StateCode in Column F is “OS” (Out-of-State):
Column G (StateID) and Column H (AlabamaWithheld) must both be blank.
Correct Missing or Incorrect Entries:
Update the tax software with the entries for Column G and H, or remove AL.
Double-Check for Errors:
Review all entries on Schedule RS to ensure compliance with the above rules.
Run Diagnostics and Resubmit
Run Diagnostics in TaxWise to verify the correction.
Ensure no other errors appear.
Save the return and resubmit for e-filing.