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How to Fix Reject Code AL40NR-RS-200
How to Fix Reject Code AL40NR-RS-200

How to Fix Reject Code AL40NR-RS-200: Alabama Schedule RS State ID & Withholding Issue

Angelica Acebes avatar
Written by Angelica Acebes
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Reject code AL40NR-RS-200 occurs when Schedule RS, Part 2, Column F (StateCode) is set to "AL" (Alabama) but either Column G (StateID) or Column H (AlabamaWithheld) is missing. This error prevents the tax return from being processed.


  1. Review Schedule RS, Part 2:

    • Open the return and navigate to Schedule RS, specifically Part 2.

  2. Check Column F (StateCode):

    • If the StateCode in Column F is “AL” (Alabama):

      • Ensure Column G (StateID) has a valid Alabama State ID.

      • Ensure Column H (AlabamaWithheld) has the correct amount of Alabama state tax withheld.

    • If the StateCode in Column F is “OS” (Out-of-State):

      • Column G (StateID) and Column H (AlabamaWithheld) must both be blank.

  3. Correct Missing or Incorrect Entries:

    • Update the tax software with the entries for Column G and H, or remove AL.

  4. Double-Check for Errors:

    • Review all entries on Schedule RS to ensure compliance with the above rules.

  5. Run Diagnostics and Resubmit

    • Run Diagnostics in TaxWise to verify the correction.

    • Ensure no other errors appear.

    • Save the return and resubmit for e-filing.

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