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How to Fix Reject Code R0000-504-02
How to Fix Reject Code R0000-504-02

Fixing Reject Code R0000-504-02 – Dependent SSN and Name Mismatch

Angelica Acebes avatar
Written by Angelica Acebes
Updated over a week ago

Reject Code R0000-504-02 occurs when:
Each 'DependentSSN' and the corresponding 'DependentNameControlTxt' that has a value in 'DependentDetail' in the return must match the SSN and Name Control in the e-File database.


This error occurs when one or more Dependent SSNs and/or the corresponding Name Controls (the first four characters of the dependent’s last name) entered on the return do not match the IRS e-File database. The IRS cross-references the dependent information with Social Security Administration (SSA) records.

Possible Causes:

  1. Incorrect Dependent SSN:

    • The SSN for a dependent was entered incorrectly.

  2. Name Control Mismatch:

    • The first four characters of the dependent's last name do not match the IRS or SSA records.

    • This can occur due to typos, use of a different name, or a name change (e.g., adoption or legal change).

  3. Dependent SSN Used on Another Return:

    • Another tax return has already claimed the dependent with the same SSN.

  4. SSA Records Issue:

    • The dependent’s information is not updated in SSA records.


1. Verify Dependent's Information:

  • Confirm the Dependent SSN and Last Name on the return match the dependent’s Social Security Card.

  • Check for any typos in the entered information.

2. Check Name Control Logic:

  • The Name Control is derived from the first four characters of the dependent’s last name:

    • Ignore special characters like hyphens or apostrophes.

      • Example: "O'Connor" becomes "OCON".

      • Example: "Smith-Jones" becomes "SMIT".

    • If the last name has fewer than four characters, use the full name and pad with spaces.

      • Example: "Li" becomes "LI ".

3. Check for Duplicate Claims:

  • If another taxpayer (e.g., an ex-spouse or family member) has already claimed the dependent with the same SSN, the IRS database will reject the submission.

  • Contact the dependent’s other parent or legal guardian to ensure they have not claimed the dependent.

4. Correct SSA Records (if necessary):

  • If the dependent’s information (e.g., last name or SSN) has recently changed, ensure it is updated with the Social Security Administration (SSA).

  • Visit or call 1-800-772-1213 for assistance.

5. Update the Tax Return:

  • Once the correct information is verified:

    • Update the SSN or dependent’s last name in the return.

    • Save the changes and resubmit electronically.

Additional Notes:

  • If Dependent SSN Is Correct but the Issue Persists:

    • Contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to confirm what is on file.

  • If Another Taxpayer Has Claimed the Dependent:

    • The taxpayer claiming the dependent will need to file a paper return with proper documentation to establish their right to claim the dependent.

Pro Tip:

Always double-check dependent information against official documents like the Social Security Card to avoid filing delays or rejection errors.

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