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Frequently asked questions
Smartwiz FAQs: Who It's For and What It Does!
Frequently asked questions about work-life referral servicesGeneral Tax Information
Frequently asked questions about medical expenses related to nutrition, wellness and general healthGeneral Tax Information
IRA FAQs - Distributions (withdrawals)General Tax Information
Retirement plan investments FAQsGeneral Tax Information
Taxpayer identification numbers (TIN)FAQS
How do I notify the IRS my address has changed?There are several ways to tell us your address has changed:
What forms can SmartSync export to my tax software?The SmartSync extension allows you to seamlessly transfer data from your app to your tax software. Below is a list of currently supported forms that can be exported.
How to Troubleshoot SmartSync Chrome ExtensionIf you’re experiencing issues with the SmartSync Chrome extension, troubleshooting the problem can help you identify and resolve the issue quickly.