The Yes or No Cue™

The Yes or No Cue™ supports the creation of quizzes and polls through two answer options as icons or images.

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago

The Yes or No Cue™ offers the flexibility to create quizzes and polls through a straightforward, binary choice with only two possible responses to any question or statement. This Cue™ uses icons instead of plain text fields by default to offer a more engaging way of answering a simple question.

Note: The answer icons and/or text fields can be deleted if you only want one or the other.

Changing the default Yes/No icons

The default Cue™ icons (thumbs-up and thumbs-down) can be changed. You can change these by using the available icons in the platform or uploading your own (.png format preferred).

Use our icons

Use your image

Offer feedback to participants

Feedback can be toggled on in the Feedback section of the Cue™ settings should you wish to engage participants with immediate feedback upon their response. This is a great way to offer a reward through peer comparison.

For more information on how to add this Cue™ to the timeline and apply Cue™ specific settings, visit the following articles:

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