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How to Customize Page Content

Learn your way around the page editor and make custom changes on page sections and page elements

Updated over a week ago

Step 1 - Access Your Pages Dashboard

Click the "Website" tab from the left side menu to see the Pages Dashboard.

Step 2 - Go to the Page Editor

  • On the Pages Dashboard, click the [customize page] icon of the page you want to edit.

  • Click the "Content" tab on the sidebar settings.

Optionally, you can navigate another page by selecting the page from the sidebar settings dropdown menu.

Step 3 - Select a Page Section or "Page Block" You want to Edit

Click the page block section you want to edit to open the property settings.

  • Each page section or a "page block" has its settings that you can customize.

  • Each page block may contain 1 or more page elements (e.g. text and an image)

Fixed Page "Block" Sections appear on all pages of the website. When you change any of these sections, the changes apply across all website pages. Click the links below to learn how to customize the following page sections.

  • Header - it contains the logo and navigation menu.

  • Page Header - it contains custom text that is separate from the website's body text and appears at the top of the page (this may not be a fixed section on some templates)

  • Footer - it usually contains the restaurant's contact information, operating hours, social media links, and a newsletter subscription form.

  • Desktop & Mobile Action Bar Settings - action bars are displayed at the bottom part of the browser's screen that sticks to the bottom of the screen when the page is scrolled. These are clickable items that can trigger a quick action, such as opening the restaurant location in google maps, calling the restaurant, making a reservation, pop-up a newsletter signup form, redirecting to a gift card page, etc.

Dynamic Page "Block" Sections appear between the header and the footer. These sections can include a paragraph, a slideshow, an image or video, recent blog articles, social media posts, testimonials, a form, etc. Click here to see a list of all Dynamic Page Sections & Settings.

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