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How much do SMS updates cost?
How much do SMS updates cost?

A guide to pricing and billing for SMS updates

Updated over 4 months ago

How much does SMS cost?

There is a transaction fee of 7p per SMS that is sent. You can keep track of your SMS spend in the payments section of your app under 'Message Invoices' and can toggle off SMS at any point.

Each plan includes SMS credits:
​Pro - 50 free SMS's

Grow - 25 free SMS's

Why do I need a connected Stripe account?

Stripe is the secure payment platform that we use with Solo. You will require a connected Stripe account to use the SMS feature as this is how you are billed for your SMS invoices.

How does payment work for SMS?

An invoice for your usage each week (SMS's sent Monday-Sunday) will be created on Sunday. The payment for the invoices will then be deducted and paid from the online payments you receive from your clients. This helps avoid any extra transaction charges on your account.

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