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Maximize Your Athletes' Attention Span with Time to Exhaustion Mode: The Ultimate Training Stimulus

TTE Mode

Updated over a week ago

Are you looking for a way to push your athletes to maintain high levels of attention and improve their performance? Look no further than Time to Exhaustion (TTE) mode. In this article, we will delve into the workings of TTE mode and how it can help you create a high-pressure cognitive training stimulus.

What is Time to Exhaustion (TTE) Mode?

TTE mode is a cutting-edge cognitive training tool designed to challenge and improve an athlete's attention span. It involves a 3-minute test that determines the athlete's target reaction time and threshold.

How TTE Mode Works

Once an athlete enters a TTE mode task, they will undergo a 3-minute test. Soma NPT, will take the fastest average reaction time from either minutes 1, 2, or 3 and use it as the athlete's target reaction time for every response. Soma will also inform the athlete of their threshold, which is the target reaction time + 20%.

For example, if an athlete's target reaction time is 400ms, this means every response must be faster than 400ms. If the athlete exceeds the 20% threshold (480ms), the task will terminate. This makes TTE mode a pressure cooker for attention, as the athlete has already invested 3 minutes before they even begin the task.

When to Use TTE Mode

TTE mode is ideal for when you want to create a high-pressure cognitive training stimulus. This mode can help your athletes develop mental toughness, improve their reaction time, and increase their overall performance.

Duration of TTE Mode Tasks

Soma Analytics will display the duration of the task, so you can see how long your athlete lasted before the task was terminated. This information can be used to track your athlete's progress and determine areas where they need improvement.


Time to Exhaustion mode is an innovative cognitive training tool that can help your athletes maintain high levels of attention and improve their performance.

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