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Maximizing Punishment Sensitivity with Consequence (CSQ) Mode in Athlete Training

CSQ Mode

Updated over a week ago

Consequence mode is a highly effective tool for improving mental toughness in athletes. The concept is simple: extend the task duration by 15 seconds every time the athlete makes a mistake. This not only increases punishment sensitivity but also helps athletes focus on improving their performance.

What is Consequence (CSQ) Mode?

Consequence mode is a training method that provides a visual representation of an athlete's performance. The timing bar will turn red every time the athlete makes an error, which signals that the task duration has been extended by 15 seconds. This immediate feedback allows athletes to see their progress in real-time and understand the impact of their mistakes.

Why Use Consequence Mode in Athlete Training?

The main objective of Consequence mode is to improve mental toughness in athletes. By increasing punishment sensitivity, athletes are forced to focus on their performance and overcome any obstacles that may be hindering their progress. The extended task duration provides an additional challenge and forces athletes to stay focused and avoid making mistakes.

What Does it Mean When the Timing Bar Goes Red?

The timing bar turning red is a clear indication that the athlete has made a mistake. This means that the task time has been extended by 15 seconds, adding to the overall challenge of the task. The red bar serves as a visual reminder of the athlete's mistake and provides motivation to improve their performance.

What Happens if the Athlete Makes Another Mistake When the Bar is Red?

If the athlete makes another mistake while the timing bar is red, the bar will extend by another 15 seconds. This ensures that the athlete is aware of their mistakes and is given the opportunity to improve their performance. The extended task duration provides a continuous challenge, forcing the athlete to stay focused and avoid making mistakes.

Can You Track Mistakes and Consequence (CSQ) Penalties?

Yes, Soma Analytics provides a detailed overview of the athlete's performance during a task. This includes tracking how many 15-second CSQ penalties were given and how many mistakes the athlete made. This information is valuable for coaches and trainers as it provides insights into the athlete's progress and areas for improvement.

In conclusion, Consequence mode is a highly effective tool for improving mental toughness in athletes. The extended task duration, visual representation of mistakes, and ability to track progress make it a valuable addition to any athlete's training program.

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