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Visit settings
Bill Arconati avatar
Written by Bill Arconati
Updated over a week ago

Administrators can update the following visit settings for your company’s SortScape site from the visit settings screen.

Hourly rate

The average hourly rate you charge. This is used for calculating the estimated visit value based on the number of hours you enter.

Week days worked

This determines which days of the week appear on the schedule. Visits can only be scheduled on these days. For example, if week days worked is Monday to Saturday then visits cannot be scheduled for Sundays.

Show skipped visits on the schedule?

Default is Yes. You can disable this to hide any skipped visits from the schedule if you are concerned about any visual clutter they may cause.

Track invoiced visits?

This setting is automatically enabled when "time and materials tracking" is enabled. This setting adds an extra "mark invoiced" step to each visit so you can see which visits have been completed but not yet invoiced. This prevents you from forgetting to invoice a customer for work done. It also adds an "Invoices" screen showing all visits pending invoicing.

Default invoicing basis

When creating or editing a visit, you can set the “Invoicing basis” which specifies how that visit will be invoiced once it’s marked complete. You can read more about this in the Invoicing customers documentation.

Visit title on schedule

By default, we show the property address as the title of each visit on the schedule. However you can set this to be the contact name instead. That will show the client's name first and the property address underneath.

Show service contact name on the schedule?

Default is Yes. Turn this off to hide the contact name from the schedule and make the schedule display in a more compact format. Note that this doesn't pertain to the print view of the schedule. Note, this is only applicable if visit title on schedule is set to "Property address."

Show contact name on the schedule print view?

Default is Yes. You can uncheck this to hide the contact name from the schedule print view so that employees won't see the contact name on the printed schedule.

Show estimated visit value to non-administrators?

Default is No. You may decide to set this to Yes if you do want employees and contractors to see the estimated visit value.

Visit checklists enabled?

Default is Yes. This enables the visit checklists feature such that any line starting with a dash ("-") typed into the work required field will be turned into a checklist.

Email addresses to cc when emailing schedule

When emailing the daily and weekly schedule to your staff, these email addresses will be cc'd. Separate multiple email addresses with commas (,)


Use tags and emojis to highlight something special about a visit on the schedule or to note special requirements for a visit. You can manage all your visit tags on this screen.

Seasonal schedule settings

To allow for different repeating frequencies throughout the year, SortScape has the concept of "seasonal schedules." Learn more here.

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