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The Dashboard Tab and Insight Tiles
The Dashboard Tab and Insight Tiles

Dashboard Tab

Nicholas Guttormson avatar
Written by Nicholas Guttormson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article will show you how to use and customize the Dashboard tab and Insight Tiles in Fulfillment.

What is the Dashboard?

The Dashboard is your landing screen within Fulfillment. It will show the most relevant information about the documents in your accounts and what actions still need to be taken.

There are two main components of the Dashboard tab: Actionable Insights and Open Orders.

Actionable Insights

The colored tiles that display across the top of your screen are called Actionable Insights. They contain summary level information that allows you to gain a holistic view of your account each time you log in as well as quickly take action if necessary.

Recommended Insights

NEW ORDERS are Orders that have not yet been viewed within your Fulfillment account. Clicking this insight will bring you to the Transactions tab and run a search to find all Orders, within the date range specified, with a status of New.

ERRORS are documents that either failed to process or were rejected by your Trading Partner. Clicking the ERRORS insight will bring you to the Transactions tab and run a search to find all documents, within the date range specified, with a status of Not Accepted or Error. It will be important to address documents in these statuses in a timely manner.

Clicking the PENDING PARTNER RECEIPT icon will brings you to the Transactions tab and run a search to find all documents within the specified date range that are in the status of In Transit which means these documents are pending confirmation from your Trading Partner that their system received it. If a document has been Pending Partner Receipt for more than 24 hours, an alert will also appear next to the document. Reach out to SPS Commerce to determine why your Trading Partner has not acknowledged receipt of the document in question.

Customizing Your Actionable Insights

By default, all available Insights will be enabled on your account. But you have the option to exclude Insights all together, or exclude certain Trading Partners from an Insight.

Customize Insights - Click the gear icon to go to the Insights & Search section of Settings where you can customize your Insights.

Filter Insight Dates - Click the calendar icon to change the date range used in your Insight searches.

More Insights - Click the 3 dots if you have more than 5 Insights active to see additional Insights that do not display on the Dashboard.

Open Orders

Open Orders contains a list of all Orders within your Fulfillment account in the status of New or Open. Once an Order's workflow is complete, it will no longer appear within this list.

Open Orders can be sorted by clicking on any column header. Clicking a second time will reverse the order of that sort. The pictured example shows Orders sorted by Date.

Add Order will allow you to manually add an Order to your Fulfillment account that was received outside of EDI. This can help to make your Order to Cash workflow consistent and opens up that ability to use features like Carrier Service even with Orders that do not automatically come through Fulfillment.

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