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Create and manage jobs

Everything you need to know about creating and managing jobs in the app

Ujala avatar
Written by Ujala
Updated over 2 years ago

One of the highlights of SquareOne is the jobs feature.

Every home is different, and SquareOne is the toolkit to help you manage things the way that suits you best. This is also a great time to have a discussion with your kids about what your expectations are, and how they contribute at home. You can pay as much or as little as you like per job, and it's a great chance for your kids to hone their negotiating skills too.

Creating and editing jobs

To create a new job for your kid(s):

  • Log in to your parent wallet and tap 'new job'

  • Enter a name for the job (for example 'Empty the dishwasher')

  • Select if you'd want the job to be one-off or recurring

  • Select/insert an amount for the job

  • You can use the child multi-select option to create the same job for all your children.

  • Once you've filled up all the details, tap 'add'

  • That's it, a new job has been created

Note: If you'd like to delete a job once it's been created, just move to 'Kids view', swipe to the 'Earn' section and tap on 'Edit' - you can then update or delete the job.

One-off v/s recurring jobs

So what's the difference between one-off and recurring jobs?

Simply put, one-off jobs are jobs that you need done only once. On the other hand, recurring jobs are jobs that are set to repeat.

For example, if you'd like to create a job for your kid about something that they need to do every day (for example, make the bed) you can set that as a recurring job. Alternatively, if there's a job that might not be repeated (for example, wash the car) it would be a better idea to classify it as one-off.

What happens to a job once it's created?

Once you create a job, it moves through 3 stages:

  • To-do
    This appears in the kids' earn area. Once they've completed the job, they can tick it off.

  • Done

    Once the kid ticks off the job from the 'To-do' list, it will move to the 'Done' list.

As soon as your child ticks off a job in the earn area, the job moves to your parent homescreen under 'To Approve'.

To approve
The parent can tick off the job from the 'Jobs to approve' list, effectively approving it. The money (if any) associated with the job now transfers automatically to the child and the job moves from the 'Done' list to the 'Paid' list.

To decline

If the parent would like to decline the job at this stage, they can just hit 'Edit' next to 'Jobs to approve' and hit the red cross next to the job.

There are then 2 options:
- Decline: this will decline the job and put it back in the child's 'To do' list.

- Delete: this will delete the job entirely.

Note: At the moment, as soon as a recurring job has been approved, it will move to 'To-do' until it's ticked off as done, and the process repeats.


If you're stuck, just tap on the blue messenger icon on the bottom right of the screen and reach out to us. We're happy to help!


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