1. What is the difference between managed kids and linked kids?
Managed kids are accounts that you've set up. You control everything for these kids - their profile, personal details, mobile numbers, card controls - everything. You can create jobs, transfer pocket money, set up card controls and also change their card PIN. In addition, you also control who you want to give the access to these accounts (i.e you choose who you want to add or delete from the list of 'linked parents').
Linked kids are kids you have access to - you can create jobs for them, send them money, have card controls in place, change their card PIN. But you cannot edit their personal details (their profile details, their mobile numbers). You also do not have access to become the main 'managed parent', nor do you have the authority to add linked parents to these accounts. The main managed parent can add or remove your access to these kids any time.
2. Can I remove linked parents/caregivers? Can they remove my main access?
The main managed parent can always add or delete the access they want to give to the linked parents.
The linked parents can never delete the main parent's access.
3. How many linked parents/caregivers can I add?
You can add as many linked parents as you like.
Want to know how to set up multi-parent access? Tap here.
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