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Agency Settings Configuration
Updated over a year ago

The Setting tab includes configuration settings for items like default values, formatting for date and time, general fields (address labels, state/province lists, gender, etc.), and the ability to enable some additional features.

Settings Reference

Agency Setting page callout diagram

Note: As of current Penelope versions, the "Spell Check" section no longer exists, as this functionality has been removed.




Agency Logo

Agency Logo

A preview of the image file you chose for your Agency Logo.

Agency Logo

Upload New Agency Logo

Option to upload a logo from your computer to be used throughout Penelope.

Agency Logo

Delete Agency Logo

An option to remove the uploaded logo from Penelope.

Defaults and Formats

Default Area Code

The default area code that will display for all phone numbers and fax numbers throughout Penelope.
If you do not want to include a default Area Code (for example, if you provide service across a wide variety of geographic regions), you can leave the Default Area Code field blank.

Defaults and Formats

Default Phone Number Mask

The default format for phone and fax numbers entered in Penelope. For example, (xxx)xxx-xxxx in North America (a three-digit area code followed by seven-digit phone number).

Defaults and Formats

Validate Phone Number to Mask

If you want to validate all phone and fax numbers to the Default Phone Number Mask, enable this option.

Defaults and Formats

Postal/Zip Code Mask

The format you want to validate Postal or Zip Codes to.

You can choose to validate to a Canadian Postal Code (A1B 2C3), United States Zip Code (12345), or No Mask.

Defaults and Formats

Default City

The default City used in Addresses throughout Penelope.

If you want to automatically populate all City fields with a default value (for example, when entering a new client through the Intake Wizard), type a City name. If no default is desired, leave the Default City field blank.

Defaults and Formats

Default State

The default State or Province used in Addresses throughout Penelope.

This setting automatically populate all State/Province drop-down fields with the chosen value (for example, when creating a new User account).

Note: This is a required field.

Defaults and Formats

Default Country

The default Country used in Addresses throughout Penelope.

This setting automatically populate all Country drop-down fields with the chosen value (for example, when adding a new client).

Note: This is a required field.

Defaults and Formats

Default Language

The default Language used throughout Penelope.
If you want to automatically populate all Language drop-down fields with a default value (for example, when entering a new client through the Intake Wizard), select a Language. If no default is desired, leave the Default Language drop-down as -Select- (blank).

Defaults and Formats

Default Date Picker Format Order

This field determines the order that all dates are entered or typed in Penelope. You can choose between:

Year, Month, Day
Month, Day, Year
Day, Month, Year

Defaults and Formats

Default Date Picker Format Separator

This field determines which separator symbol is used in dates throughout Penelope. You can choose between:

/ (slash)
– (dash)
. (dot)

Defaults and Formats

Default Date Picker Format Preview

A preview of how dates will appear in Penelope based on your Format Order and Format Separator selections.

Defaults and Formats

Displayed Year

The formatting used for Years in Penelope. You can choose between:

Four digit (18)
Two digit (2018)

Defaults and Formats

Displayed Month

The formatting used for Months in Penelope. You can choose between:

Two digit (01)
Three letters (Jan)

Defaults and Formats

Displayed Digits

The formatting for date-based digits in Penelope. You can choose whether or not to include a zero (0) before digits below 10.

As is (Jan-4)
Padded with zeros (Jan-04)

Defaults and Formats

Displayed Sequence

This field determines the order that all dates are appear or display in Penelope. You can choose between:

Year, Month, Day
Month, Day, Year
Day, Month, Year

Defaults and Formats

Use 24-Hour Display for Time Format

An option to use 24-Hour formatting for Time. By default, Penelope uses 12-Hour Time.

Defaults and Formats

Displayed Date/Time Format Preview

A preview of how Dates and Times appear in Penelope based on your selections.

Defaults and Formats

Default Language

The default language used for your Penelope site.


Use Billing

An option to enable the Billing module in Penelope.

If you enable Billing, additional configuration is required. Please see the Billing Configuration section for more information.


Search Result Limit

The number of Search Results that will appear on each page. If more Search Results are returned than the configured number, a Next option will appear with remaining results on subsequent page(s).


Use County in Addresses

An option to include a third Address field (labelled as County) in Addresses throughout Penelope.

Note: You can modify the County label from the Field Setup > Address Label section.


Track for Anonymous Service Entries

An option to display the Agency Service Type 4 drop-down field in Anonymous Services entries. This field will also appear as a search option when viewing the Anonymous Service List.
You can configure the fourth drop-down in the Agency Service Type section


Always Secure Informal Series

An option to make all Informal Series secure. If enabled, the:

  • The Secured Series checkbox is always checked and disabled when adding Informal Series.

  • If an existing Informal Series is already secure prior to enabling this option, the Mark Not Secure option is unavailable.

  • If an existing Informal Series is not already secure prior to enabling this option, the Mark Secure option is available. If the Informal Series is later changed to be secure, the option is unavailable.


Use MS Exchange

An option to enable the MS Exchange feature in Penelope.

If you enable MS Exchange, additional configuration is required. Please see the Configure MS Exchange Integration with Penelope for Office 365 and Configure MS Exchange Integration with Penelope for a Dedicated Exchange Server topics for more information.


Non-Electronic Signature on file label

An option to select the wording used when a signature has not yet been added to a Document.

On File


Enable Personal Demographic Information

An option to enable Personal Demographic Information in Penelope.

If you enable Personal Demographic Information, please review the Configure Personal Demographic Information settings topic for more information.


Run Nightly Routine After

An option to choose what time you would like to run nightly routines for Penelope.

Note: Time-based Action Triggers are run as part of the nightly routine on the server.

Field Setup

Address Label

You can modify the Address Label section to configure how address fields appear in Penelope. You can modify the labels to suit your geographic region (for example, changing State to Province and Zip Code to Postal Code.

If you modify any of the Address Labels, the System Configuration fields also update to reflect your changes.

Note: Ensure you are not entering a specific address in these fields — only the field names that you want to appear when entering address information for Individuals, Workers, Funders, etc.

Field Setup


A pre-populated list of States and Provinces. You can add to or remove options from the list if desired.

Field Setup


A pre-populated list of Countries. You can add to or remove options from the list if desired.

Field Setup


A pre-populated list of genders. You can add to or remove options from the list if desired.

Note: If you have enabled Personal Demographic Information, this field is labelled Sex instead of Gender.

Field Setup

Resource Type

A list of Resource Types you can use to categorize any Resources you create in Penelope. For example, Rooms, Vehicles, Computers, Tablets, etc. You can add to or remove options from the list if desired.

A Resource is a specific item you can reserve when you book an Event in Penelope. For example, a specific Conference Room or a projector.

Field Setup

Task Cancellation Reasons

A list of reasons why a Worker could cancel a Task in Penelope. You can add to or remove options from the list if desired.

Field Setup


A pre-populated list of languages. The list of languages is used throughout Penelope – for example, the Individual Profile, Intake Wizard, Add Individual, Worker Profile, etc.

You can add to or remove options from the list if desired.

Field Setup

Agency Service Type

Drop Down options 1-4 are optional drop-down lists that appear when you create or modify a Case Service on the front-end of Penelope. Drop Down option 4 can be configured to appear when adding an Anonymous Service by enabling the Track for Anonymous Service Entries setting in the General Settings section.

You can modify the name of the Agency Service Type Drop Down by clicking on the name (make your change and save). You can populate the drop-list list options by clicking on the respective Drop Down label and creating your list items.

Field Setup

Case Service Class

A Case Service Class is the overarching category to which particular Case Services (programs) may belong. For example, you may have Case Service Classes called Counselling Services, Education and Workshops, Outreach, etc., to which you will assign individual Case Services — Counselling Services could include specific services like Individual Counselling, Family Counselling, and Relationship Counselling. Case Service Classes allow you to report on group of services in addition to specific services.

To add a Case Service Class to the list, click the Add link in the top right of the Case Service Class box, enter the information, and save.

Note: If a Case Service Class is in use in Penelope, it cannot be deleted

Field Setup

Anonymous Service

When logging an Anonymous Service, you have the option to specify details of the service. There are five fields available for you to customize the labels of:

  • Anonymous Service Category (drop-down list)

  • Description of Service (short text field)

  • Notes (rich text field)

  • Details of Service (short text field)

  • Presentation? (checkbox)

You can modify the labels of any of these fields (except Anonymous Service Category) by clicking the existing name (next, make your desired change and save). You can also populate the drop-down list options for the Anonymous Service Category field, by clicking the Drop Down option and adding your values.

Field Setup

Target Setup

The Target Setup box contains the Data Note Type and a custom User Defined field. That Data Note Type is used when entering a note on the Target Page > Notes tab. For more information on Targets, please see the Targets and Actuals section.

Upload a Logo

You can upload a logo to include in printed items like Documents, Reports, invoices, etc. Use the following specifications when preparing a file to upload:

  • Compatible file types: PNG or JPG

  • Recommended logo dimensions: 120 x 150 px


You can specify additional logos to appear in your Billing documents. See the Billing Documents section for more information.

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab.

  2. In the Agency Logo section, next to Upload New Agency Logo, click Browse.

  3. Locate your logo and click Open.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Agency Settings

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Defaults and Formats section, configure default values for phone numbers and addresses along with your preferred formatting for dates and time. See the Setting tab reference topic for details about specific fields.

  4. In the Defaults and Formats section, choose a Default Language.

  5. In the Setting section, choose any additional features or settings applicable to your agency. See the Setting tab reference topic for details about specific fields.

  6. Click Save.

Configure Your Address Labels

Address Labels are the labels that appear next to address input fields throughout Penelope. For example, as seen here in on the Intake Wizard:

Address labels on the Intake Wizard

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

2. Click Address Labels.

3. For each of the address fields, modify the labels based on your geographic norms. For example, you may need to change State to Province or Zip Code to Postal Code.

Address Label edit view

4. Click Save.

Configure the State/Province List

The State/Province list includes a pre-defined list of values based on where your agency is located. For example, if you’re a Canada-based agency, you’ll find US States and Canadian Provinces. The list is typically complete for most agencies, but if you need to document additional States or Provinces, you can add them to this list.

State/Province list

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

2. Click State/Province.

3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

State or Province setup list

4. In the Value field, type the full text for the State or Province. For example, Hawaii.

5. In the Code field, type the two-letter abbreviation for the State or Province. For example, HI.

6. From the Country drop-down list, choose which Country the State or Province is found.

7. Click Save.

Configure the Country List

The Country list includes a pre-defined list of countries. The list is typically complete for most agencies, but if you need to document additional countries, you can add them to this list.

Country list

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

2. Click Country.

3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

Country setup list

4. In the Value field, type the full text for the country. For example, Philippines.

5. In the Short Name field, type the three-letter ISO ALPHA-3 code for the country. For example, PHL.

6. In the Code field, type the two-letter ISO ALPHA-2 code for the country. For example, PH.

7. Click Save.

Configure the Gender List

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

  2. Click Gender.

  3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

  4. In the Value field, type the desired text.

  5. Click Save.

Configure the Resource Type List

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

  2. Click Resource Type.

  3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

  4. In the Value field, type the desired text.

  5. Click Save.

Configure the Task Cancellation Reason List

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

  2. Click Task Cancellation Reason.

  3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

  4. In the Value field, type the desired text.

  5. Click Save.

Configure the Language List

The Language list includes a pre-defined list of languages, but if you need to document additional languages, you can add them to this list.

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Field Setup.

  2. Click Language.

  3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

  4. In the Value field, type the desired text.

  5. Click Save.

Configure the Target List

The Target Setup box contains the Data Note Type and User Defined Fields. That Data Note Type field is used when entering a note on the Target Page (Notes tab) in Penelope.

To configure the Target List values follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Setting tab > Target Setup.

  2. Click Drop Down.

  3. In the Active Values section, click Add.

  4. In the Value field, type the desired text.

  5. Click Save.

To change the label of the user defined field click the name of the field and edit accordingly. A red dot indicates the field is not in use. A green dot indicates the field is in use.

Additional Resources

For information about configuring additional settings on this page, see the following topics:

  • Agency Service Type

  • Case Service Class

  • Anonymous Services

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